Project Number3T32GM008764-04S1
Contact PI/Project LeaderLUTCHEN, KENNETH R
Abstract Text
EXCEED THE SPACE PROVIDED. There is a need to develop researchers who can identity and approach problems in biology and physiology trom a quantitative, integrative (across biological length scales), and systems perspective. This proposal aims to fill this need by establishing an interdisciplinary Pre-doctoral training program addressing the Systems and Integrative Biology area that will be housed in biomedicalengineering (BME). Our TrainingProgram in Quantitative Biology and Physiology will produce biomedical scientists who understand molecularbiology, cell biology andphysiology simultaneously with a strong technical background to approach biological and physiological problems from a quantitative perspective. We will emphasize quantitative and mathematical modeling techniques that are mechanistic, structurally based, and often ubiquitous across biological scale. Our graduates will acquire the requisite skills, breadth, and experience to branch at all levels (molecular, cell-tissue, organ, complex biodynamics) of a biological or physiological system or process. Our program represents a special opportunity to unite three departments at Boston University: Biomedical Engineering, Biology, and Mathematics; four interdisciplinary research centers; and an interdisciplinary program in MolecularBiology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry (MCBB). We will establish a curriculum for the trainingprogram that includes rigorous course and lab rotational exposure to: (a) quantitative molecular biology, cell biology, and physiology, and (b) engineering-based biology in four thematic areas: Molecular Biological and Genetic Engineering, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics and Electrophysiology, Organ and Sensory Systems, and Complex Biodynamics. We will require trainees to conduct thesis research that is interdisciplinary, integrative, quantitative,and linked to experimental data. Finally, we will establish a unique identity for the Quantitative Systems Biomedical Scientists that participate in our program through several interactive components, including a Seminar Series in Quantitative Biology and Physiology, Student-Faculty Science-Curriculum Retreats, Monthly Dinners and Journal Clubs. In summary, our intent is to produce integrated, quantitative, and systems oriented biomedical scientists that will assume leadership positions in the life science communities of academic institutions (e.g., universities and teaching hospitals) and industry. PERFORMANCE SITE ========================================Section End===========================================
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