Computational and theoretical characterization of ligand-protein binding mechanis
Project Number1R01GM109045-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderCHANG, CHIA-EN
Abstract Text
Project Summary/Abstract
The goal of this proposal is to build a more complete picture of ligand-protein
recognition by examining free, intermediate and bound states in order to reveal
the why and when of binding mechanisms and kinetic behavior.
Non-covalent molecular recognition plays a crucial role in biology, chemistry and
medicine. Exploring binding pathways and the transient intermediate states during
binding will help elucidate mechanisms that include binding, allostery, induced fit, gated
control associations, and the free energetics of binding, which will later guide molecular
designs. Molecular simulations play an increasing role in studying binding
thermodynamics and kinetics, important in both biology and chemistry. Used in
combination with experiments, simulations integrate data and interpret experiments;
then contribute to the design of novel molecules with preferred affinities and/or kinetic
properties. Kinetic data also can be used as a critical differentiator and predictor for
drug efficacy and safety. However, real molecular systems are quite complicated, and
computational tools usually are either very time-consuming or over-simplify a biological
system. Therefore, the major motivation is that we need projects to further develop new
computational methods to both efficiently and accurately model molecular association
pathways in order to understand the binding mechanisms, solvent effects and kinetic
behavior. Guided by strong preliminary results and existing methods developed by our
group, three specific aims are proposed: 1) Develop and apply multi-scale methods to
model ligand-protein binding in order to understand binding mechanisms and kinetic
behavior; 2) Investigate the role of waters and free energy landscape in binding
processes; 3) Adapt and apply the new methods and integrate experiments to peptide-
protein binding to study protein function and assist peptide design. The approach is
innovative that it involves bringing new methodological breakthroughs to enable realistic
modeling of binding pathways and expanding the classical view of molecular
recognition. The proposed research is significant, because it provides computational
tools for us to study binding processes, free energy surfaces and solvent effects, and
reveals fundamental mechanisms of molecular association.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
Computational tools help deliver new drug candidates more quickly and at lower cost
than traditional drug discovery methods that rely solely on experimental tools.
Understanding binding mechanisms provides knowledge needed for optimizing drugs
with preferred affinities or kinetic behavior. The life time of drug occupancy on a protein
target determines the duration of pharmacological action, and this lifetime is defined by
dynamic processes that link to the association and dissociation rate of a drug binding to
its target. This project applied computer modeling and chemical theory to study the
inhibitor binding to proteins. Our overall goal is to develop better understanding of the
drug associate processes, and to incorporate this understanding to more efficiently
design and discover drugs.
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