Abstract Text
Veterans are particularly susceptible to neuropathic pain originating from combat wounds, surgery and
diabetes. The long-term goal of this project is to find a cure for neuropathic pain that represents its true
reversal and not just palliative measures. This goal can be achieved by investigating the molecular and cellular
mechanisms of pain latent sensitization, a rodent model that reproduces key features of chronic pain disorders:
indefinite duration and episodic presentation triggered by stress. Latent sensitization can occur following a
variety of stimuli: inflammation, skin incision and nerve injuries that cause neuropathic pain. It is characterized
by a period of hyperalgesia followed by a period of pain remission in which pain is generally absent but may
reappear as pain episodes. This is due to the fact that the remission phase of latent sensitization does not
represent a return to normality but an anomalous state in which pain is suppressed by a compensatory
activation of opioid receptors. This is revealed by a return of pain (“reinstatement”) upon administration of
opioid antagonists, which are without effect in normal animals or humans. The latent sensitization model
emerged from the work of several research teams on opiate-induced hyperalgesia and its interaction with injury
and stress. Only recently has the importance of latent sensitization as a model for chronic pain become clear,
and there is only one study on its relevance for neuropathic pain. This project will investigate the mechanisms
of latent sensitization in neuropathic pain. The Specific Aims are: 1) study the role of opioid receptors and
stress in neuropathic latent sensitization; 2) determine whether the remission phase of latent sensitization is
mediated by opioid release or by µ-opioid receptor constitutive activity; and 3) study the role of NMDARs and
the adenylyl cyclase / protein kinase A pathway in neuropathic latent sensitization. We will test the following
hypotheses: 1) µ-opioid receptors, κ-opioid receptors and α2A adrenergic receptors in the spinal cord mediate
anti-hyperalgesia during the remission phase of nerve injury-induced latent sensitization; 2) µ-opioid receptors
located in primary afferent terminals contribute to the remission phase of latent sensitization; 3) stress
reinstates pain hyperalgesia during the remission phase of latent sensitization; 4) µ-opioid receptor constitutive
activity, and not sustained opioid release, mediates pain remission; 5) pain sensitivity in latent sensitization is
maintained by a positive feedback loop in which NMDARs and the adenylyl cyclase / protein kinase A pathway
activate each other. This project will use a multidisciplinary approach to test these hypotheses. In Aim 1, a
spared nerve injury model of neuropathic pain will be used in rats and mice to identify the receptors that
suppress pain sensitivity in the remission phase. Using transgenic mice with selective deletion of µ-opioid
receptors in nociceptive primary afferents, we will determine whether the µ-opioid receptors that suppress pain
are located in primary afferents. We will also investigate how stress reinstates pain during the remission phase.
In Aim 2, we will determine whether the anti-hyperalgesia produced by µ-opioid receptors is due to their
constitutive activity by using patch-clamp recording from primary afferent neurons to measure their inhibition of
voltage-gated calcium channels. The alternative hypothesis, that µ-opioid receptors are activated by sustained
opioid release, will be tested using knock-out mice in the three genes that encode opioid peptides. In addition,
opioid release will be measured as µ-opioid receptor internalization. In Aim 3, the interaction between NMDA
receptors, adenylyl cyclase and protein kinase A during latent sensitization will be studied in primary afferent
neurons using calcium imaging and patch-clamp. The activating phosphorylation of NMDA receptors by protein
kinase A during latent sensitization will be measured with Western blots. Finally, NMDA receptor antagonists
and inhibitors and activators of adenylyl cyclase and protein kinase A will be used to delineate the signal
pathway that maintains latent sensitization. This will identify targets to develop medication to reverse
neuropathic pain.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Neuropathic pain occurs when lesions in nerves or in the central nervous system lead to an increase in the
intensity of painful sensations or to spontaneous pain. It affects a large sector of the population, with two
million cases in the United States. Veterans are especially susceptible to neuropathic pain because it can arise
from causes related to combat, like wounds and surgery, or from diseases that impact aging Veterans, like
diabetes. Indeed, Veterans present a higher incidence of chronic pain than the general population: 50% of
Veteran patients suffer from at least one type of chronic pain. Neuropathic pain is notoriously difficult to treat
because it responds poorly to opiates. Indeed, there are alarming new findings that show that opiates can
increase the long-term pain produced by surgical incision and inflammatory agents. This project will investigate
the changes in pain neural pathways that underlie the persistent, episodic nature of neuropathic pain, with the
long-term goal of finding ways of restoring the normal pain-free state.
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