CMA: Marker-assisted prevention and risk stratification (MAPRS): Artificial Intelligence Endoscopy for Colorectal Cancer Prevention (CMA1)
Project Number5I01BX004455-02
Contact PI/Project LeaderSINGH, SATISH K
Abstract Text
This collaborative merit review application (CMA) aims to advance the precision management of
cancers, specifically marker-assisted prevention and risk stratification (MAPRS) of colorectal
cancers (CRCs). The third most common cancer in the USA, CRC accounts for nearly 10% of all
cancers among Veterans. MAPRS stems from a group of investigators from the VA Colorectal
Cancer Cellgenomics Collaborative (VA4C), created with the support of a VA Field-based Meeting
Award. The VA4C aims to advance basic/translational research on the prevention, early detection,
diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of CRCs. The proposed CMAs aim to disrupt these limitations
and significantly advance CRC prevention, detection, risk stratification and precision treatment by
advancing MAPRS. MAPRS-CMA aims to: CMA1) develop artificial intelligence-enhanced
endoscopy for colorectal cancer prevention; CMA2) examine mucin-based markers to improve
endoscopic detection, resection, histological classification and surveillance of neoplastic polyps;
CMA3) validate tissue and blood-based combinatorial biomarker panels derived from functional
pathway-specific studies to improve risk stratification; and CMA4) examine the potential of
cellgenomic drug-response profiling for precision CRC treatment.
The main objective of our project, CMA1, is to create and establish within the VA an infrastructure
to enable us to develop, validate, and deploy machine learning (ML) /artificial intelligence (AI)
models to enhance endoscopy. The past decade has seen an explosion in biophotonic technologies
to more precisely diagnose and treat colonic neoplasia. The result is, however, increasingly
information-dense imaging to interpret and interact with during procedures. Not surprisingly,
technological enhancement of practice has remained restricted to experts at academic centers. Our
hypothesis is that reliable real-time polyp histology can be enabled for any operator by computer-
assisted diagnosis using ML/AI. This capability would finally open the door to widespread adoption
of cost-saving, ASGE-sanctioned resect-and-discard and leave-behind paradigms for diminutive
polyps. Thus, the specific aims of this project are: Aim 1: To create a large, scalable labeled
endoscopic databank for ML/AI research comprised of clinical image data uploaded from multiple
VA centers. Aim 2: To utilize this image repository to develop and validate ML/AI models that
enable real-time histology of polyps as well as Aim 3: To develop ML models for computer assisted
polyp detection in conjunction with mucin-based fluorescent biomarkers for widefield detection. Aim
4: Use ML/AI to help predict CRC drug response based on combined clinical factors and
cellgenomic data.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Among Veterans, colorectal cancer accounts for 9.5% of all cancers. Despite advances in colonoscopy
and high resection rates, local and distant recurrence remains a significant problem, as high as 40%. The
potential benefit of this collaborative study is the improvement of early detection, diagnosis, prognosis and
treatment of colorectal cancer. Our group will concentrate in improving detection and diagnosis of
precancerous polyps during colonoscopy. We will use artificial intelligence to teach computers how to
automatically recognize and classify polyps seen through the endoscope. The major benefits to be
realized are a significant reduction in procedure risks, costs and healthcare burden while performing more
thorough examinations that miss fewer polyps and thus decrease cancer risk
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AccountingAddressAdoptionAlgorithmsAmericanAntineoplastic AgentsArtificial IntelligenceAwardBenchmarkingBiologicalBiological MarkersBiophotonicsBloodClassificationClinicalClinical DataColonoscopesColonoscopyColorectal CancerComputer AssistedComputer ModelsComputer-Assisted DiagnosisComputersCost SavingsDataData SetDetectionDevelopmentDiagnosisDistantEarly DiagnosisEndoscopesEndoscopyEnsureExcisionExplosionGastrointestinal EndoscopyGenomicsHealthcareHistologicHistologyImageImage EnhancementInfrastructureInterventionKnowledgeLabelLinkMachine LearningMalignant NeoplasmsMethodsModelingModernizationMucinsNeoplasmsNeoplastic PolypOpticsPathway interactionsPatientsPerformancePharmaceutical PreparationsPolypsPopulationPrecancerous PolypPrecision therapeuticsPreventionProceduresRecurrenceReportingResearchResearch PersonnelRiskRisk stratificationSamplingSiteSocietiesTechnologyTestingTherapeuticTimeTissuesTrainingTranslational ResearchTumor-DerivedVeteransWorkalgorithm developmentbasebiomarker developmentbiomarker panelcancer riskchromoscopyclassification algorithmclinical biomarkersclinical data warehouseclinical imagingclinical practicecolon cancer patientscolorectal cancer preventioncolorectal cancer riskcolorectal cancer screeningcolorectal cancer treatmentcombinatorialcostdata warehousedesigndrug response predictionevidence baseexperiencefallsimprovedinnovationmeetingsnovel markeroutcome forecastpersonalized managementpredictive modelingpreservationpressurerandomized trialrepositoryresponsescreeningskillsstemsuccesssynergismtooltreatment strategytumorvirtual
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