Evidence-Based Multidimensional Pain Self-Management Planning: Personalized by and for Veterans via Web-Based Application
Project Number1I21RX003169-01A1
Contact PI/Project LeaderHOGANS, BETH B
Abstract Text
Chronic low back pain is highly prevalent in Veterans, and is often resistant to pharmacological
management so that non-pharmacological management is required. For many patients, the
most effective approach is comprehensive pain management incorporating multiple therapies
addressing: physical, mental, mind-body, sleep, safety, and environmental needs. The ultimate
outcome is the development of a coordinated multidimensional evidence-based plan for pain
self-management (C-MEPPS) tailored to each patient. This approach, while effective, is highly
resource intensive and severely constrained by cost and health system factors.
Our goal is a mobile web-based application (App) that provides immediate feedback to Veterans
seeking to develop their own pain self-management plan. This will represent a novel, scalable,
Veteran-driven solution to chronic low back pain aligned with VA strategic objectives ‘online
navigator tools…empowers Veterans to make decisions.’ We are focused on transferring
knowledge about evidence-base practices into the primary care context to help Veterans and
their healthcare providers manage pain effectively- before it gets worse. We have already
developed the App prototype utilizing User-Centered Design principles to optimize the user
experience. Our first aim is to develop and pilot test a web-based App for Veterans, including
older Veterans and women Veterans, designed to empower each in pain self-management
planning: providing access and data-driven guidance about evidence-based multidimensional
behavior change. Our second aim is to gather pilot data targeting patient-centered and
rehabilitative outcomes such as: increased activity, more sleep time, decreased pain
interference and better quality of life; through use of the App and engagement in pain self-
management planning.
This project brings together the expertise of skilled exercise physiologists, experienced pain and
sleep clinical psychologists, pain specialists, clinical educators, geriatricians, women’s health
providers, and technology design experts to create a powerful new pipeline for knowledge
transfer to patients and providers. Grounded in whole health and integrative approaches,
nursing principles, pharmacy practices, physical therapy, and nutrition are also included in the
App. We are working as an interprofessional pain-focused team to put the best-available
information about non-pharmacological treatments for pain into the hands of Veterans and their
primary care providers. Our vision is to improve the lives of Veterans with chronic low back pain,
improving access to knowledge and resources and giving Veterans the power to plan their own
path to better, more fulfilling living despite chronic low back pain.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Chronic low back pain is the #1 cause of disability and low quality of life in Veterans. Pain is a huge burden-
stealing enjoyment, fulfillment, and time. Sometimes surgery, injections, or medications can help but
sometimes not. Although no one solution fixes chronic low back pain, there are many treatments that can
reduce pain impact and restore quality of life. These treatments involve: movement, psychology, mind-and-
body therapies, sleep, and environmental factors. The challenge is how to best coordinate these treatments for
chronic low back pain. We’ve built a prototype mobile application that delivers the latest information to
Veterans so they can work with healthcare providers to build their own pain self-management plans. With this
new tool, the Veteran has data at hand and choses their preferred pain self-management activities, making a
coordinated plan that can be shared with their healthcare team. Our goal is giving Veterans the knowledge and
power to 'plan the work and work the plan' for chronic low back pain: restoring value, fulfillment, and meaning.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAffectAreaBack PainCaringChronic low back painClinicalCounselingCustomDataDecision MakingDevelopmentDiscipline of NursingEnvironmental Risk FactorEvidence based practiceFeedbackFundingFutureGoalsHandHealthHealth PersonnelHealth systemImprove AccessInjectionsInterventionKnowledgeLeadLow Back PainMeasuresMediationMedicalMedical Care TeamMedication ManagementMind-Body InterventionModelingMovementNonpharmacologic TherapyNursesOnline SystemsOperative Surgical ProceduresOutcomePainPain interferencePain managementPatient Outcomes AssessmentsPatient-Focused OutcomesPatientsPharmaceutical PreparationsPharmacistsPharmacy facilityPhysical activityPhysical therapyPhysiciansPreparationPrimary Health CareProductivityProviderPsyche structurePsychologistPsychologyQuality of lifeRehabilitation OutcomeResearchResistanceResourcesSafetySeedsSelf ManagementServicesSleepSpecialistSurveysTechnologyTestingTheftTimeTrainingVeteransVisionVisitWomanWomen's HealthWorkbasebehavior changebody-mindcare providerschronic paincostdesigndisabilityeffective therapyempoweredevidence baseexercise physiologistexperiencefight againstfunctional outcomesgraphical user interfacehealth administrationimprovedinnovationinterestmedical specialtiesmedication safetymobile applicationnovelnutritionpain outcomepain reductionpain self-managementphysical therapistpreferenceprogramsprototypepsychoeducationrecruitrehabilitation researchresearch and developmentsleep healthtoolusabilityuser centered design
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