Investigating relationships between naturalistic light exposure and sleep
Project Number5K99HL166700-02
Former Number1K99HL166700-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderWALLACE, DANIELLE A.
Abstract Text
Sleep irregularity is highly prevalent and linked to downstream adverse cardiometabolic health outcomes, but
the upstream drivers of sleep irregularity are not well characterized. Adverse health outcomes associated with
irregular sleep timing mirror those linked to shift work, and irregular sleep may represent a driver of circadian
misalignment and related disease in the general population. Notably, sleep timing is modifiable and could
serve as an inexpensive, non-invasive way to promote health, but further research on environmental factors
influencing sleep regularity is required to inform successful interventions. Understanding the environmental
drivers and molecular markers of irregular sleep are critical gaps that would aid public health intervention and
disease prevention efforts.
The recent 2021 NIH Sleep Research Plan highlights research on the effects of environmental exposures on
sleep and on epigenetic mechanisms underlying sleep and circadian health as top priorities. Therefore, to
address these gaps in knowledge and stated research needs, I propose to apply acquired training in sleep
epidemiology, chronobiology, and advanced statistical analysis and epigenetics to: 1) investigate which
dimensions of light exposure impact sleep regularity and moderation by factors such as age and sex (K99), 2)
develop biological markers of sleep regularity (K99), 3) validate and establish the temporality of resulting
findings with prospectively collected data (R00), and 4) expand measurement of light and environmental
factors with prospectively collected data (R00).
My goal is to establish an independent research program centered around how light and other environmental
exposures affect sleep and chronobiology in population health. This proposed study and career development
plan logically builds upon my training in environmental health, vision research, and molecular epidemiology, to
gain expertise in light data analysis and collection, sleep epidemiology, chronobiology, advanced statistical
modeling, and omics integration. With expert mentored guidance provided by Dr. Tamar Sofer, Dr. Susan
Redline, and Dr. Frank Scheer, I will establish a unique interdisciplinary research program focusing on the
interactions of the light environment and sleep. This award will provide key training in four areas: 1) sleep
epidemiology; 2) clinical chronobiology; 3) integration and analysis of high-dimensional light and actigraphy
data with omics data; and 4) professional development. This data collected during the R00 phase will also
provide a strong foundation for R01 applications. This support provided by this award will allow me to launch a
novel independent research program and address inherent gaps in our understanding of the role of naturalistic
light exposure on sleep health in the general population.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Irregular sleep is highly prevalent and linked to the development of adverse health outcomes, yet it is also
highly modifiable, representing an important public health target. Here, we seek to characterize and validate
dimensions of naturalistic light exposure that affect sleep regularity and blood-based markers of sleep
regularity. This research has the potential to advance the field by investigating the contribution of
environmental light, an important but underexamined exposure, to sleep health and identify relevant markers to
inform sleep health in the general population.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAffectAgeAreaAwardBehaviorBiologicalBiological MarkersBody TemperatureChronobiologyCircadian desynchronyClinicalCohort StudiesCommunitiesCuesDNA MethylationDataData AnalysesData CollectionDevelopmentDevelopment PlansDimensionsDiseaseDrowsinessEnvironmentEnvironmental ExposureEnvironmental HealthEnvironmental Risk FactorEpidemiologyEpigenetic ProcessFoundationsGeneral PopulationGenetic MaterialsGoalsGrantHealthHealth PromotionHealth StatusHeart RateHispanic Community Health Study/Study of LatinosHumidityInterdisciplinary StudyInterventionKnowledgeLightLinear ModelsLinkMeasurementMeasuresMentorsModelingMolecular EpidemiologyMulti-Ethnic Study of AtherosclerosisMutationNoiseNon-linear ModelsOutcomeParticipantPathway interactionsPatient RecruitmentsPatternPhasePopulationPrintingProspective cohortProxyPublic HealthRecording of previous eventsReportingResearchResearch PersonnelRoleSiteSleepSleep DeprivationSleep disturbancesStatistical Data InterpretationStatistical ModelsSumSystemTemperatureTrainingUnited States National Institutes of HealthVision researchWorkactigraphyblood-based biomarkercandidate identificationcardiometabolismcareercareer developmentcircadiancohortcommunity settingdisorder preventiongenome-widehigh dimensionalityimprovement on sleepmethylation biomarkermethylation patternmolecular markermulti-ethnicnovelpopulation healthprogramsprospectivepublic health interventionsecondary analysissexshift worksleep healthsuccessful interventiontool
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