Research and Engagement for Action on Climate and Health (REACH) Center
Project Number1P20ES036775-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderANENBERG, SUSAN Other PIs
Abstract Text
The mission of the Research and Engagement for Action on Climate and Health (REACH) Center is to
bridge big data to climate solutions that advance health and environmental justice. Specifically, the Center
leverages the power of novel geospatial datasets and research co-generation with governmental and non-
governmental partners to research health and equity impacts of climate change mitigation and adaptation
actions from local to global scales. The Center forms a new multi-institutional partnership that leverages world-
class strengths in public health, medicine, and public policy at George Washington University; Earth and
atmospheric sciences at George Mason University and Howard University; environmental justice at Howard
University; and research translation at Environmental Defense Fund. The Center’s ground-breaking
partnership cultivates a diverse, multi-disciplinary, collaborative research enterprise that generates new
knowledge and accelerates research translation into health-protective and equitable climate change mitigation
and adaptation. Our ideal location in the National Capital Region, hosted at the only school of public health in
Washington, DC, gives us unique opportunities to collaborate with the local and federal government and a
plethora of civil society organizations engaged in climate and health policy development. The REACH Center
will generate new knowledge along the spectrum of discovery to applied research, particularly leveraging the
strengths of geospatial datasets to address research questions that can guide mitigation and adaptation
actions at a range of administrative scales. The Center will catalyze collaborations between investigators and
governmental and non-governmental stakeholders to understand the complex interactions between climate
and health and design approaches for protecting public health under future climate change. The Center will
achieve its mission through Administrative, Developmental, Community Engagement, and Exposure
Assessment Cores. The Developmental Core Center will develop new research infrastructure that fosters
research exploring climate solutions that advance health and equity through pilot awards, student fellowships,
educational and networking opportunities, and interaction between investigators and governmental and non-
governmental partners. The Community Engagement Core will provide a bridge between academic research
and a community of potential users of the findings to drive health-protective and equitable climate solutions
forward. The Exposure Assessment Core will lead the Center’s efforts to make geospatial climate and
environmental data more accessible, interoperable, and interpretable for climate and health research
conducted by researchers from various disciplines.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The mission of the Research and Engagement for Action on Climate and Health (REACH) Center is to
bridge big data to climate solutions that advance health and environmental justice. Specifically, the Center
leverages the power of novel geospatial datasets and research co-generation with governmental and non-
governmental partners to research health and equity impacts of climate change mitigation and adaptation
actions from local to global scales. Our ideal location in the National Capital Region, hosted at the only school
of public health in Washington, DC, gives us unique opportunities to collaborate with the national-scale policy
community, including the federal government and a plethora of civil society organizations engaged in climate
and health policy development.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AccelerationAddressAdvocacyApplied ResearchAwardBig DataCapitalClimateCollaborationsCommunitiesCommunity of PracticeComplexDataData SetDecision MakingDevelopmentDisciplineEarth scienceEducationEquityEstimation TechniquesFederal GovernmentFellowshipFosteringFundingFutureGenerationsGeoscienceGovernmentHealthHumanInfrastructureInstitutionInterdisciplinary StudyInterventionInvestigator-Initiated ResearchKnowledgeLeadershipLocal GovernmentLocationMedicineMissionModelingPoliciesPolicy DevelopmentsProliferatingPublic HealthPublic Health SchoolsPublic PolicyRecordsResearchResearch InfrastructureResearch PersonnelResearch Project GrantsResolutionRisk FactorsServicesStatistical ModelsStudentsTranslational ResearchUncertaintyUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesWashingtonatmospheric sciencesbasecivil societyclimate changeclimate dataclimate impactclimate scienceclimate-related healthcommunity engagementcommunity organizationsdesignenvironmental justicehealth datainnovationinteroperabilitymultidisciplinarynovelscientific atmospheresensorspatiotemporalstatistical service
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
Sub Projects
No Sub Projects information available for 1P20ES036775-01
Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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The Project Outcomes shown here are displayed verbatim as submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI) for this award. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the PI and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Institutes of Health. NIH has not endorsed the content below.
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