Using Mobile Technology and Real-World Vocalization Samples to Generate Quantitative Metrics of Vocal Communication for Minimally-Speaking Individuals
Project Number1K25DC021502-01
Abstract Text
Using Mobile Technology and Real-World Vocalization Samples to Generate Quantitative Metrics of
Vocal Communication for Minimally-Speaking Individuals
Over one million individuals remain minimally-speaking past the age of 5, often communicating through
vocalizations that contain little to no speech. Yet, little is known about the vocal communication of profoundly
affected minimally-speaking individuals. Current speech and communication metrics are often normalized
based on typically-developing individuals and fail to adequately capture the skills of minimally-speaking
individuals. Moreover, measures that are designed for this population are generally qualitative, relying on
caregiver reports or examiner observations from a short clinical visit. The lack of quantitative communication
measures that map how vocalizations from minimally-speaking individuals develop over time has profound
consequences for researchers, clinicians, families, and the individuals themselves. The lack of quantitative
communication measures designed for this population has profound consequences for researchers, clinicians,
families, and the individuals: Clinical trials have failed to advance because the outcome measures did not
capture the subtle changes in participants’ development, and families of minimally-speaking individuals
consistently list communication as one of their top research priorities. This proposal aims to generate a
sensitive, quantitative metric of vocal communication for minimally-speaking individuals by tracking their
phonological vocalization complexity over time. To achieve this aim, I will enroll n=90 individuals (ages 6-35
years, enrolled equally over the age range) with fewer than 50 spoken words using a smartphone app I
previously developed and deployed. This app allows caregivers to record a vocalization and label its meaning
with the tap of a button in their homes and natural environments. Caregivers will be prompted to elicit and
record as many vocalizations as possible during daily ten-minute intervals for one week every six months for
two years. Using this unique database of real-world vocalizations, I will characterize the complexity of vocal
communication across and within individuals over time (Aims 1 and 2) and will examine how this metric relates
to established assessments (Aim 3). I will also explore acoustic-based metrics that capture vocalization
complexity in an objective and scalable manner. The results of this work will allow us to determine sensitive
vocal communication milestones for profoundly affected minimally-speaking individuals and appropriate
outcome measures for clinical trials and interventions.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Little is known about the vocal communication of minimally-speaking individuals – they lack quantitative
measures designed to specifically capture their subtle vocal development over time, limiting our ability to
meaningfully measure their skills, monitor their growth during clinical trials, or create vocal-based augmentative
technology for this exceptional population. This proposal aims to generate a sensitive, quantitative metric of
vocal communication for minimally-speaking individuals using a novel remote and highly personalized data
collection methodology. The results of this work will allow us to determine sensitive vocal communication
milestones for profoundly affected minimally-speaking individuals and appropriate outcome measures for
clinical trials and interventions.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AcousticsAffectAgeBenchmarkingCaregiversClinicalClinical TrialsCommunicationComplexDatabasesDevelopmentEngineeringEnrollmentEnvironmentEquipmentExhibitsFamilyFamily memberGeneral PopulationGenetic TranscriptionGrowthHomeIndividualInfantInterventionK-Series Research Career ProgramsLabelLanguageMapsMeasuresMentorshipMonitorOutcome MeasureParticipantPhysicsPopulationReportingResearchResearch PersonnelResearch PrioritySamplingSignal TransductionSpeechStandardizationTechnologyTimeToddlerTrainingTranslatingTreatment EfficacyVisitWorkage groupclinical outcome measuresclinically relevantcostdata collection methodologydesignhuman old age (65+)machine learning algorithmminimally verbalmobile computingnovelphonologyrate of changeskillssmartphone applicationsoundvocalization
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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