Computational tools for uniform processing and integration of human reference atlas data [2 of 5]
Project Number1OT2OD033761-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderRUFFALO, MATTHEW Other PIs
Abstract Text
The HuBMAP Computational Tools Component is responsible for development of standardized
processing pipeline for all HuBMAP data, which is the foundation that enables joint storage, indexing,
display, querying and mapping of HuBMAP datasets. A key innovative aspect that we have championed
and, which as far as we know is unique for large consortia with several groups, platforms and data
modalities is the fact that all HuBMAP pipelines we implemented provide uniform processing of all data
from the same modality. Specifically, for each of these modalities we use the same computational
algorithm for initial and downstream processing. For example, all scRNA-Seq datasets, regardless of
which of the 7 platforms they were generated by, are processed by our Salmon quantification pipeline.
This makes integration and comparison much easier across all HuBMAP data. In addition, all
downstream analysis including dimensionality reduction, clustering, differential expression etc. are also
performed using the same methods for all platforms making it easy to organize the display of the data
on the portal and to index the data for quantitative queries. Similar pipelines have been developed for
other modalities.
In the production phase of the HuBMAP Consortium, we will extend these computational pipelines to
support additional data types from new tissue mapping centers and other data providers. We will
additionally extend our focus beyond single-cell image segmentation to support the mapping efforts of
the Human Reference Atlas (HRA) collaboration, producing hierarchical links from cells to functional
tissue units to higher-level anatomical structures.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Public Health Relevance Statement:
Uniform processing of many disparate data types reduces friction in integrating disparate data between
modalities, tissues, and data providers, allowing clinicians and public health experts to find biological
and clinically-relevant insights in large biomolecular, spatial, and imaging datasets. We will expand on
our previous work to link the results of large-scale HuBMAP data processing to the Human Reference
Atlas (HRA) efforts, ensuring that HuBMAP datasets are highly represented in the HRA.
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