Neural Mechanisms in the Medial Amygdala Underlying Aggression
Project Number1FI2GM119962-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderNORDMAN, JACOB
Abstract Text
Aggression and violence are common symptoms of many psychiatric disorders, but the underlying mechanisms that lead to their expression remain largely unknown. The amygdala is a key region involved in the regulation of emotion and has been implicated as a primary locus of psychopathology. The medial amygdala (MeA) is a major subdivision of the amygdala and is an important modulator of aggression and violence. Previous studies have shown that high-frequency stimulation of neurons at the MeA can enhance aggression during future social encounters, producing a phenomenon called aggression priming. The precise mechanism by which the medial amygdala mediates aggression and its role in psychiatric illness, however, requires further elucidation. The goal of this PRAT fellowship proposal is to define the role of the MeA in aggression. My preliminary results show that glutamatergic neurons within the MeA respond to stimulation in a frequency-dependent manner and that the MeA can regulate expressions of aggression and violence during a social interaction test. My central hypothesis is that potentiation of glutamatergic synapses at the MeA can prime aggression, leading to an increase in aggression and violence during social interaction. Firstly, I plan to determine whether high-frequency photostimulation (HFPS) using optogenetics can induce aggression priming during a social interaction test. I will test whether HFPS induces synaptic potentiation at the MeA using in vivo electrophysiology and whether synaptic potentiation is responsible for aggressive behavior by depotentiating synapses after HFPS using low-frequency photostimulation, a known protocol for inducing depression of synaptic activity. Secondly I will determine the role of serotonin in MeA regulated aggression by stimulating dorsal raphe projections, a primary locus of serotonergic neurons, at the MeA using optogenetics. Finally I will confirm the role of serotonin in MeA regulated aggression using genetic modifications to the serotonin releasing machinery in vivo and specialized sensors designed to detect serotonin binding at the MeA. The successful completion of this proposal will have a positive translational impact because preventative therapeutic strategies targeting the MeA can potentially be developed to curb excessive aggression and violence associated with psychiatric disorders based on the findings of the proposed research.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Aggression and violence are serious concerns for modern society and a prominant symptom of many psychiatric illnesses. The medial amygdala, a subdivision of the amygdala, is an important modulator of aggression, driving anger escalations towards violence that recurs in patients suffering from psychiatric disease. The medial amygdala has been found to regulate aggression in a cell type and stimulation intensity dependent manner, however the precise underlying mechanism remains unclear. Defining the mechanism by which the medial amygdala regulates aggression will prove highly relevant for aggressive symptoms associated with disorders such as PTSD and psychopathy, while providing fundamental insight into the neural substrates of aggression.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Aggressive behaviorAmygdaloid structureAngerAutomobile DrivingAwardBehavioralBindingCell NucleusChemosensitizationDataDiseaseDorsalElectrophysiology (science)FOS geneFellowshipFrequenciesFundingFutureGeneticGlutamatesGoalsLeadMedialMediatingMental disordersModificationNeurologicNeuronsOutcomePartner in relationshipPatientsPhysiologicalPopulationPost-Traumatic Stress DisordersPreventionProtocols documentationPsychopathologyReportingResearchResearch PersonnelResourcesRodentRoleSerotoninSignal TransductionSocial BehaviorSocial InteractionSocietiesSymptomsSynapsesTechniquesTestingTherapeuticUnited States National Institutes of HealthViolenceassociated symptombasecell typecommon symptomdesignemotion regulationin vivoinnovationinsightneuromechanismnovel strategiesoptogeneticspsychopathic personalityrelating to nervous systemsensorsocialsynaptic depressionsynaptic function
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