Abstract Text
The proposed Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Toxicology (SURE Tox) program at the
University of Illinois will provide high quality research experiences for under-represented minority
undergraduate students during the summer academic break. The SURE Tox program will have its own
identity, but it will also complement existing funded programs for undergraduate and medical students at the
University of Illinois such as the Environmental Interdisciplinary Toxicology Program, the Summer Research
Opportunities Program, the Toxicology Scholars Program, and the Summer Research Program for Veterinary
Medical Students. The program will involve active participation by faculty members from several departments
and colleges at the University of Illinois, all of whom have expertise in environmental health/toxicology and
experience training undergraduate students.
The proposed training program will enroll 7 junior and senior undergraduate students who will spend 10 weeks
over the summer in the program. The specific goals of the program are to: 1) match participants with faculty
mentors who will direct the student to complete a hypothesis-driven project in the field of environmental
health/toxicology, 2) help each student learn laboratory techniques and research skills, 3) provide didactic
training on animal use in research, the responsible conduct of research, and use of the electronic library, 4)
train students to prepare scientific talks and posters and to present their work at scientific meetings, 5) provide
networking opportunities for students to meet other students and faculty members in research, 6) provide
students with information on academic vs. industry careers in toxicology, and 7) provide each participant the
opportunity to participate in GRE Institute workshops to prepare for the Graduate Record Exam. At the
conclusion of the program, the students will present their work at the Illinois Summer Research Symposium
held on campus. This training program will provide a unique opportunity for undergraduate students,
specifically minority students, to obtain training and research experience in the field of environmental health/
toxicology at a research intensive university with outstanding toxicology programs.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The proposed Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Toxicology (SURE Tox) will provide
undergraduate students who are underrepresented minorities with high quality research experiences
during the summer academic break. Students will receive extensive research training in the field of
environmental health/toxicology, participate in a number of workshops on research ethics, use of animals
in research, academic and industry careers in toxicology, how to apply to graduate school, how to write
and present scientific papers, and optional Graduate Record Exam workshops.
NIH Spending Category
Minority Health
Project Terms
AnimalsComplementDigital LibrariesEducational workshopEnrollmentEnvironmental HealthFacultyFundingGoalsIllinoisIndustryInstitutesLaboratoriesLearningMedical StudentsNCI Scholars ProgramPaperParticipantResearchResearch EthicsResearch TrainingSchoolsStudentsTechniquesToxicologyTrainingTraining ProgramsUnderrepresented MinorityUniversitiesWorkWritingcareercollegeexperiencefaculty mentormeetingsmemberminority studentpostersprogramsresponsible research conductskillsstudent trainingsummer researchsymposiumundergraduate research experienceundergraduate student
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Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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