Concurrent chronic stress and cocaine self-administration: Understanding effects on mPFC microglia and drug choice behavior
Project Number1F30DA060020-01A1
Former Number1F30DA060020-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderNOWAK, DAVID B
Abstract Text
Project Summary: Substance use disorder (SUD) is a devastating psychiatric condition that exhibits robust
comorbidity with other mental health disorders. In 2021, approximately 1.4 million people faced cocaine use
disorder in the United States. There are no FDA approved treatments for cocaine use disorder, which presents
a major unmet medical need. Stress exposure can precipitate or worsen many mental health conditions and is
a barrier to recovery for individuals with SUD. Thus, addressing the negative consequences of stress exposure
is a critical target for therapeutic intervention in SUD. Stress acts in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), a
corticolimbic node involved in motivation and reward, to influence neuronal activity and changes in dendritic
architecture. Microglia are innate immune cells in the brain whose actions contribute to stress-induced dendritic
remodeling in rodents following chronic unpredictable stress (CUS). Alterations in dendritic spine morphology
are implicated in the behavioral sequelae of chronic stress exposure. Interestingly, chronic cocaine use results
in similar dendritic remodeling and prefrontal cortex deficits. The role of microglia in this process is largely
unknown. In this proposal, I will use a rat model of CUS concurrent with cocaine self-administration (SA) to
recapitulate a clinical presentation of cocaine addiction complicated by ongoing stress exposure. Our preliminary
data demonstrate that when cocaine SA is paired concurrently with CUS, rodents display increased drug seeking
in an extinction-reinstatement model. I hypothesize that cocaine SA in the context of CUS produces robust
activation of microglial machinery involved neuronal remodeling, leading to prefrontal cortex dysfunction and
facilitation of drug seeking behavior. In Aim 1, I will use flow cytometry, qRT-PCR, and advanced spine
morphometry to study microglial activity profiles and dendritic spine architecture after CUS, chronic cocaine SA,
and concurrent CUS/chronic cocaine SA. Existing literature and preliminary data demonstrate that CUS alone
causes marked changes in microglial profiles, dendritic spine morphology, and mPFC function. However, little is
known about how chronic cocaine SA or chronic cocaine SA complicated by CUS affects microglia and spine
morphology. In Aim 2, I will use a novel drug vs. non-drug choice paradigm to elucidate changes in motivation
after CUS exposure, while additionally employing a pharmacological approach to inhibit microglial contributions
to stress. During this fellowship period, I will relish the opportunity to gain technical expertise and develop
investigative acuity, to facilitate my future success as an academic physician-neuroscientist. My sponsors and I
have assembled a diverse mentorship team with a wide range of expertise. As a vital part of my professional
development, I will interact with this group of highly talented scientists, as they push my scientific capabilities
and foster my excitement for discovery. MCW offers the infrastructure and, more importantly, the people that will
offer growth opportunities and outlets for creative collaboration, as evidenced by my desire to explore the
intersectional field of neuroimmunology.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative: Over 40 million people in the United States suffered from substance use disorder (SUD) in
2020. Exposure to chronic, unavoidable stress is a major contributor to drug misuse and high rates of recidivism
for individuals with SUD. The goal of this fellowship is to further understand the harmful interaction between
chronic stress and drug use in the context of altered neuroimmune communication to identify novel targets for
attenuating stress effects in SUD.
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