Developing novel therapeutics for the treatment of mastocytosis
Project Number3R43TR004219-01S1
Former Number1R43TR004219-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderPENG, JIANYA
Abstract Text
Executive Summary of Predicate SBIR Phase I Grant and Team
The overall objective of our predicate SBIR Phase I grant, which started in June 2022, is to develop novel
and potent compounds for treating mastocytosis. Mastocytosis is a rare set of diseases, characterized by
the increased presence of mast cells in various tissues and organs. Patients suffering from mastocytosis
often have diverse triggers that promote the activation of mast cells and subsequently the onset of
debilitating symptoms, ranging from hives and abdominal pain to organ damage and life-threatening
anaphylaxis. Although treatment options for mastocytosis patients exist, they are non-specific and are
often limited to symptom alleviation and fail to adequately address the incapacitating and life-threatening
prognoses mastocytosis patients face. Therefore, better therapies are urgently needed and NemaGen’s
mission is to address this substantial need.
Our cutting-edge technologies have, for the first time, identified a unique mast cell progenitor that is
defined by its expression of the enzyme Carbonic anhydrase 1 (Car1). Carbonic anhydrases are a family of
metabolic enzymes, known for their important roles in regulating pH and CO2 homeostasis. However, their
role in mast cell development was unappreciated. NemaGen’s peer-reviewed and published findings have
demonstrated that pharmacologically or genetically targeting Car1 is sufficient to prevent murine and
human mast cell development. Moreover, we have shown that Car1 inhibition is sufficient to prevent mast
cell responses in murine models of mastocytosis. Collectively, our exciting findings suggest that Car1
represents a new therapeutic target to treat mastocytosis and other mast cell-mediated diseases.
We have developed a highly efficient drug
discovery program, which is being accelerated
with the assistance of our SBIR Phase I grant
funding and funding from the venture capital arm
of the New Jersey Health Foundation (NJHF).
Since receiving our Phase I SBIR funding, we have
engaged a leading medicinal chemist consultant
to complement NemaGen’s established expertise
in carbonic anhydrase enzymes and mast cell biology. This has resulted in the development of multiple lead compounds with more than 100-fold higher
potency than established Car1 inhibitors (Table. 1) helping us to further advance our Phase 1 Aims.
Overall, the specific aims of the proposed Phase I research were to:
(1) Design, synthesize and optimize novel carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.
(2) Evaluate the effects of Car enzyme inhibitors on enzymatic function and mast cell development.
Our proposed I-Corps team will include the following three members.
Member Names Role
Nick Shubin, PhD NemaGen CEO
Scott Alpizar, PhD
Industry Expert, Venture
Jianya Peng, PhD PD/PI
All three members are highly motivated and committed to the time requirements of the program.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Data not available.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Abdominal PainAccelerationAddressAnaphylaxisCapitalCarbon DioxideCarbonic Anhydrase InhibitorsCellular biologyComplementDevelopmentDiseaseDoctor of PhilosophyEnzyme Inhibitor DrugsEnzymesFaceFamilyFoundationsFundingGrantHealthHomeostasisHumanIndustryInnovation CorpsLeadLifeMediatingMedicineMetabolicMissionMusNamesNew JerseyOrganPatientsPeer ReviewPhasePrognosisPublishingResearchRoleSmall Business Innovation Research GrantTechnologyTimeTissuesUrticariaarmcarbonate dehydratasedesigndisabling symptomdrug discoveryinhibitormast cellmastocytosismembermouse modelnew therapeutic targetnovelnovel therapeuticspharmacologicpreventprogramsreduce symptomsresponsestem cells
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2023
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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