UW Practice-based Suicide Prevention Research Center
Project Number1P50MH129708-01A1
Former Number1P50MH129708-01
Abstract Text
In his proclamation for National Mental Health Awareness Month 2021, President Biden emphasized “My
Administration is committed to advancing suicide prevention best practices and improving non-punitive crisis
response.” The University of Washington Practice-Based Suicide Prevention Research Center directly answers
the President's call to action in outpatient medical settings through enhancing therapeutic alliance and
increased self-efficacy of adolescent and young adult patients, their providers, and their families to manage
suicide risk. The Center's approach to improving outcomes across the suicide care pathway from identification
of suicide risk through assessment to decision making and risk management, crisis response, treatment of
suicidality, and long-term surveillance and follow-up is consistent with the recommendations of the Joint
Commission, Zero Suicide, National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, and the Surgeon General. The
Center, led by clinical researchers who treat suicidal patients in partnership with informatics researchers and
operational experts, takes a stakeholder-based co-design approach integrating human centered design (HCD)
and multi-phasic optimization (MOST) to develop interventions for the outpatient medical setting. The Center
represents a unique partnership between the School of Medicine's Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences, Pediatrics and Family Medicine with Bioinformatics and Medical Education. The Center also bridges
UW's many resources: the Center for Suicide Prevention and Recovery, the Institute for Translational Health
Sciences (the UW CTSA) and its Research Information Technology team, and the AIMS Center (UW
implementation and training center for Collaborative Care). The Administrative Core will serve as the
communication hub between center cores, our Expert and three stakeholder advisory boards, the R03 pilot
grant program through which our Collaborating Scholars from other disciplines who are new to suicide
prevention will receive mentoring, training, and experience. The Signature Project (R01) will collaborate with
pediatric medical settings to optimize treatment and maximize referrals to a brief outpatient crisis intervention
as an alternative to emergency department referral. The AMPERE R34 project will use the principles of HCD
to create a clinically actionable pathway for ecological momentary assessment of suicide risk that is acceptable
and usable for both young adult patients and their primary care providers. The ISSP R34 project will adapt
existing technology to use safety plan data to provide clinical decision support to healthcare providers in
pediatric medical settings. The AM-CoCM R34 project will adapt the Aeschi Model – core principles of care
advocated by suicide experts – for Collaborative Care for adolescents and young adults in primary care clinics.
Research Projects will work with the Methods Core to create point-of-care clinical decision support and
electronic health record integration. The Methods Core will provide research infrastructure to the Research
Projects, including common data elements and a data repository harmonized with electronic health records.
The Center will conclude with a National Policy Briefing on Center findings to maximize dissemination.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The University of Washington Practice-Based Suicide Prevention Research Center will improve suicide care in
outpatient medical settings through enhancing therapeutic alliance and increased self-efficacy of providers,
patients and families to manage suicide risk. The Center's approach to improving outcomes across the suicide
care pathway from identification of suicide risk through assessment to decision making and risk management,
crisis response, treatment of suicidality, and long-term surveillance and follow-up is consistent with the
recommendations of the Joint Commission, Zero Suicide, National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, and
the Surgeon General as well as the Biden Administration's 2021 proclamation on mental health. Over the five
year time frame, the team will conduct one full size optimization trial, three human centered design exploratory
studies, and eight pilot studies co-designing interventions with health care providers, patients, and families to
make coordinated improvements across the suicide care pathway.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Accident and Emergency departmentAddressAdolescent and Young AdultAdvocateAffectAwarenessBehavioral SciencesBioinformaticsCaringChildhoodClinicClinicalCollaborationsCommon Data ElementCommunicationConsultationsCrisis InterventionDataDecision MakingDetectionDiagnosisDisciplineEcological momentary assessmentEcosystemElderlyElectronic Health RecordEmergency department visitEnvironmentEvaluationFamiliarityFamilyFamily PracticeFeeling suicidalFrightFundingGoalsGrantHealth PersonnelHealthcareHealthcare SystemsInformaticsInformation TechnologyInterventionJointsLongterm Follow-upMedicalMedical EducationMental DepressionMental HealthMental Health ServicesMentorsMethodsModelingObservational StudyOutcomeOutpatientsPathway interactionsPatientsPediatric HospitalsPediatricsPhasePilot ProjectsPoliciesPrevention ResearchProcessProviderPsychiatryRecommendationRecoveryReportingResearchResearch InfrastructureResearch PersonnelResearch Project GrantsResourcesRiskRisk AssessmentRisk ManagementRunningSafetyScienceScientific InquirySelf EfficacyServicesSourceSpecialistSuicideSuicide attemptSuicide preventionSurgeonSystemTechnologyTherapeuticTimeTrainingUniversitiesVisionVisitWait TimeWashingtonWorkbehavioral healthclinical decision supportclinically actionablecollaborative caredata repositorydesignevidence baseexperiencefollow-uphealth care settingshigh riskhuman centered designimplementation interventionimprovedimproved outcomeinnovationmedical schoolsmedical specialtiesmodel designpoint of carepreventpreventive interventionprimary care clinicprimary care providerprogramspsychologicresponsesafety assessmentsuicidalsuicidal adolescentsuicidal behaviorsuicidal patientsuicidal risksupport toolstherapy designtooltranslational health sciencetreatment optimizationusabilityyoung adult
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Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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