Combining benchmarking and Competency-based training to implement antimicrobial stewardship on dairy farms
Project Number1U01FD007790-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderRUEGG, PAMELA L
Abstract Text
Central Hypothesis: We hypothesize that AMU on dairy farms can be reduced by development of an
innovative educational program that motivates the desire for change by providing metrics that
benchmark AMU and provides tools to facilitate management changes by enhancing competencies of
farm workers and using farmer-led meetings to identify tailored solutions. We propose to strengthen
relationships between local veterinarians and their dairy clients by providing a mechanism for
engagement using goal-oriented annual antibiotic stewardship plans. Development of metrics to assess
progress in reducing AMU will help veterinarians assess compliance with treatment protocols as well as
provide evidence of emerging animal health problems that result in increased AMU.
Specific Aims: Antibiotics are essential for combatting bacterial diseases and have contributed to
increased welfare of both humans and animals. However, antimicrobials can select for resistant
bacterial strains that threaten public health. While AMU in human medicine is a well-recognized driver
of resistance, the large mass of antimicrobials used in animals is also a potential source of emergence
and dissemination of resistant bacteria. Thus, it is essential that farmers and veterinarians work
together to ensure that AMU is used only to protect animal well-being. The specific aims of this project
will motivate and equip dairy farmers and their veterinarians to assess AMU and develop plans that
result in responsible and judicious usage of antimicrobials. Specific aims are: 1. Validate an innovative
AMU benchmarking tool, and train users to creates metrics comparing AMU among farms and facilitate
greater engagement of veterinarians with dairy clients. 2. Develop multilingual, competency-based
farm worker training materials to enhance adoption of antimicrobial stewardship principles. Together
these aims will enhance veterinary oversight of medically important antimicrobials and ensure that AMU
is focused on assuring dairy animal health.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The long-term goal of this project is to improve well-being of dairy cattle while reducing antimicrobial
usage (AMU) by increasing engagement of veterinarians and dairy farmers in development of annual
goal-oriented antimicrobial stewardship plans. Veterinarians and farm managers will improve
compliance with evidence-based treatment protocols and increase competencies in assessing the
quality of AMU. We will raise awareness of metrics used to assess AMU while creating a culture of
continuous improvement in AMU on dairy farms.
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