Project Summary/Abstract Overall Component
The goal of the INBRE-4 Program is to continue to augment and strengthen Idaho's capacity to do and sustain
biomedical research. The Overall Component describes the organization and management plan for an
Administrative Core, a Bioinformatics Core, a Student Program, a Developmental Research Project
Program and an Alteration and Renovation request. These Components will assist investigators to obtain
independent grants and provide research experiences to students as a pipeline to health research careers.
Cell Signaling continues as the scientific theme because it promotes broad inclusion of developing or
multidisciplinary research. The PI/PD, CH Bohach, has 17+ years of experience in INBRE, an active
distinguished scientific research career, and serves on the executive committee of the National Association of
IDeA PIs. The Program Coordinator, SA Minnich, has served since 2009. He has a strong record as a
biomedical researcher in Cell Signaling. The professional management team provides seasoned
administrative, financial, and evaluation support. The Program and Core Directors have the experience, time
commitment, resources, and authority to manage their respective scientific responsibilities. All 11 Network
institutions are represented on the statewide Steering Committee. An expert External Advisory Committee,
chosen for their mentoring, research expertise, grantsmanship, and administrative skills, will help identify best
practices and guide the Program. Every participating institution has made up-front commitments to support
INBRE-4. Such diverse institutional cooperation across Idaho was unprecedented before INBRE and has far-
reaching positive significance for the INBRE Network to continue research capacity building. It demonstrates
that INBRE is maximizing the potential to catalyze institutional changes that improve biomedical research and
education on each campus. Undergraduate and graduate educational improvements will include science
course/program modernization, integration of research and bioinformatics into the curriculum, scientific
seminar programs, visiting experts, and purchase of key laboratory equipment. Resources will contribute to
faculty start-up funding and salary augmentation. A new alliance forges interstate opportunity with the Montana
and New Mexico INBREs to reduce program redundancy, maximize Core use, expand faculty and student
research and educational opportunities, and promote multidisciplinary research. INBRE-4 will continue to share
and leverage resources with other INBREs, COBREs, CTRs, additional appropriate NIH programs (Bridges,
SEPA, NRMN), NSF-EPSCoR, the Idaho STEM Action Center, Idaho industries, and National Labs. Our
commitment to continue and expand the Network through these interactions is evidenced by the 70 Letters of
Support and ten institutional MOUs that accompany this proposal. Each supporting document outlines
collaboration, partnering, and/or leveraging programmatic strengths. Overall, this INBRE-4 plan encourages
competitiveness that will continue to have an enduring impact on biomedical research and training in Idaho.
Public Health Relevance Statement
INBRE-4 will increase Idaho's competitiveness in biomedical research and education. The statewide scientific
Network will generate, complement, and enrich Idaho's research capacity by mentoring new investigators,
supporting research Cores, fostering regional collaborations, and providing student research opportunities.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAdministratorAdvisory CommitteesAuthorization documentationAwardBioinformaticsBiomedical ResearchBiostatistics CoreBusinessesCenters of Research ExcellenceCollaborationsCommittee MembersCommunicationCommunitiesComplementCore FacilityDegree programDevelopmentDisadvantagedDisciplineDoctor of PhilosophyEducationEducational CurriculumEligibility DeterminationEnvironmentEquipmentEvaluationFacultyFosteringFoundationsFundingGenerationsGeographyGoalsGraduate EducationGrantHealthHispanic PopulationsIdahoIndustryInfrastructureInstitutionInterdisciplinary StudyInvestmentsKnowledgeLatino PopulationLettersLinkMentorsMiningModernizationMontanaNative AmericansNew MexicoPopulationPostdoctoral FellowProductivityProgram Research Project GrantsReproducibilityResearchResearch PersonnelResearch SupportResourcesSchoolsScienceScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics EducationScientific Advances and AccomplishmentsSeasonsServicesSignal TransductionSourceStudentsTalentsTechnologyTimeTrainingUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesVisitWagesWorkauthoritybasecareercollegecommunity collegecommunity engagementdocument outlinesexperiencefaculty mentorforginggraduate schoolgraduate studenthealth disparityhigher educationimprovedinnovationlaboratory equipmentmedical schoolsmultidisciplinarynovelnovel strategiesprogramsresearch facilityrural underservedskillstribal collegeundergraduate educationundergraduate research experienceundergraduate student
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