Increasing Diversity in Genomics for the Next generation (IDGeNe)
Project Number5R25HG012702-03
Contact PI/Project LeaderGARCIA-ARRARAS, JOSE E
Abstract Text
This proposal, entitled Increasing Diversity in Genomics for the Next generation (IDGeNe), is a proposal
from the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus in response to the NIH-GREAT call for proposals. The
long-term goal of the IDGeNe program is to increase the diversity of the Genomic field workforce by establishing
a cohort of interested students that will receive academic and professional training in genomic-related research.
The program will benefit a student population over 95% Hispanics of different gender, race, social status and
physical needs.
The core of the program is a comprehensive research experience for undergraduate students and a
series of activities that will reinforce students identity as researchers and prepared them for graduate work. The
training program consists of two major components: with (1) a “hands-on” in depth research experience and (2)
a series of activities aimed at developing not only their research potential but also the professional tools needed
to succeed in future careers. A cohort of 8 undergraduate students from UPR-Rio Piedras will be recruited
annually for a 2-year internship in the program. Students will receive in-house training in professional
development during the first summer via courses, workshops and other activities. During the two years in the
program, students will work on a project in genomic research in the laboratory of one of the local mentors while
participating in seminars and workshops and professional development activities. Students will also undergo a
8-10 week summer research experience at some of the top-mainland institutions, including: Univ. Pittsburgh,
Univ. Wisconsin, UC Santa Cruz, UT Southwestern, UC San Francisco and Harvard University. Upon completion
of the program, students will be well prepared to continue their education in MS or PhD programs, enter fields of
interest, such as Genomic Medicine or Public Health or integrate directly into the Genomics workforce.
The program takes advantage of the strong expertise in genomics and genomic-related fields among the
UPR faculty. Twenty-two UPR faculty whose research involves genomics/bioinformatics will participate as
possible mentors in the Program. Collectively these faculty members have mentored hundreds of undergraduate
students in their labs and have vast experience to implement and carry forward a highly successful research and
mentoring program. Dr. Jose E. Garcia-Arraras a Professor from the Biology department whose research
involves the genomics of organ regeneration will be the P.I. He will be assisted by Dr. Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga
(co-P.I.) an expert in computer-based genome analyses and by collaborators that will strengthen the areas of
Statistics, Data Science and Mentoring.
This proposal builds upon the experiences gathered in different programs by the UPR and its faculty, to
enhance and strengthen the mentoring and training activities of Under Represented Minority students to make
them competitive for graduate school and beyond.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The IDGeNe program will be the first training program for undergraduates of its kind at the
University of Puerto Rico (UPR), a premier research-intensive Hispanic Serving Institution in the
USA. This program aims to attract students into the Genomics field by providing meaningful, in
depth, experiences in areas of research associated with Genomics and by providing a series of
academic and professional activities that will prepare a new generation of promising
underrepresented students to insert themselves into this growing biomedical field. In view of the
history and track record of the UPR, this grant will succeed in increasing the diversity of the field
by increasing the number of Hispanic researchers in the 21st Century Genomics workforce.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAreaBioinformaticsBiologyBiomedical ResearchComputersData ScienceDevelopmentDoctor of PhilosophyEducationEducational workshopEthicsFacultyFutureGenderGenerationsGeneticGenomic medicineGenomicsGoalsGrantHispanicHispanic PopulationsHispanic-serving InstitutionInstitutionInternshipsIslandLaboratoriesManuscriptsMedicalMentorsModelingMolecular BiologyNeurosciencesOccupationsOralPopulationPrivatizationProbabilityPublic HealthPuerto RicoRaceRecording of previous eventsReportingResearchResearch PersonnelSan FranciscoSeriesSocial statusSocietiesStudentsSystemTrainingTraining ActivityTraining ProgramsUnderrepresented PopulationsUnderrepresented StudentsUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesWisconsinWorkbiological researchcareercohortexperiencegenome analysisgraduate schoolinterestmemberminority studentnext generationorgan regenerationprofessorprogramsrecruitresponseskill acquisitionskillssocialstatisticssummer researchtoolundergraduate research experienceundergraduate studentuniversity student
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