Increasing Diversity in Interdisciplinary BD2K (IDI-BD2K)
Project Number5R25MD010399-02
Contact PI/Project LeaderGARCIA-ARRARAS, JOSE E Other PIs
Abstract Text
The Initiative for Increasing Diversity In Interdisciplinary BD2K (IDI-BD2K) proposal is set
to increase the diversity of the BD2K scientific community. It will do so by joining NIH in its
effort to increase the number of underrepresented researchers, both students and faculty,
in Big Data Science and its applications to biomedical research. Our IDI-BD2K project
presents a series of activities that will attract students to the field of Big Data Biomedical
research, provide them with the courses and training necessary to perform Big Data
research and directs them to participate in “hands-on” Interdisciplinary Biomedical Big
Data research experiences, and create a community of BD2K researchers at UPR Río
Piedras. The IDI-BD2K program objective is to enhance student preparation and support
so they continue onto graduate studies in Big Data Research and eventually enter the
academic and professional community of investigators doing Big Data Biomedical
research. To achieve our goals, UPR-RP has partnered with BD2K centers at Harvard
University, the University of Pittsburgh and the University of California Santa Cruz to offer
summer research experiences to at least 6 of our undergraduate students per year. The
program will also offer opportunities for faculty to develop their research and expertise in
Big Data Research through sabbaticals and workshops with the BD2K center faculty. In
addition, the development and integration of new courses, workshops, seminars, and
online course modules in Big Data Science into the undergraduate curricula of the Natural
Sciences College, will serve to expand the research infrastructure and capabilities of the
UPR-RP researchers and increase the UPR-RP's contribution in the field of Big Data
Science, which permeates all of modern science and technology.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
The population of the US is over 14% Hispanic a number which is projected to grow in the
coming years. However, Hispanics involvement in biomedical big data research is highly
limited. This proposal addresses the need for training the next generation of Hispanic
scientists in Biomedical Big Data Research to enhance the diversity of the scientific
community in this biomedical area.
NIH Spending Category
Networking and Information Technology R&D
Project Terms
20 year oldAddressAdministratorAmericasAreaBehavioral ResearchBig DataBig Data to KnowledgeBiologyBiomedical ResearchBiometryCaliforniaCase StudyClinical ResearchCollaborationsCommunitiesComputational BiologyCultural BackgroundsData ScienceData SetDevelopmentEducationEducational CurriculumEducational process of instructingEducational workshopEngineeringFacultyGoalsGrantHispanicsInstitutionMathematicsMentorsMolecularNatural SciencesPiedraPopulationPreparationPuerto RicoResearchResearch InfrastructureResearch PersonnelRunningScienceScientistSeriesShapesSiteStudentsTechniquesTechnologyTrainingUnderrepresented GroupsUnited StatesUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesVisitWomanWorkbig biomedical datacohortcollegecomputer sciencecourse moduledigitalexperienceinterestknowledge basemembernext generationonline courseprogramsresponsesabbaticalskillsstudent trainingsummer programsummer researchundergraduate student
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