Overall Section
Our ROBIN center focuses on elucidating the genomic and microenvironmental determinants, and
temporal dynamics underlying efficacy of radiation-based combination therapies. Radiotherapy (RT), alone or
in combination with other treatments, is used to treat about two-thirds of all cancer patients. Despite the
widespread use of radiation therapy in oncology, our understanding of the mechanisms driving response and
resistance remains poor. Our long-term goal is to understand the mechanisms that underlie efficacy and
resistance of radiation-based therapies. New efforts to improve treatment for many cancer types now focus on
using combination therapies in which radiation is used with systemic agents, highlighting the urgent need to
understand the drivers of efficacy. Among the most promising new biologics being studied for use with
radiation are antibody-drug conjugates (ADC) and immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI). We will use an
innovative molecular characterization trial testing radiation plus ADC in bladder cancer and radiation plus ICI in
head and neck cancer to characterize the mechanistic drivers underlying these next generation RT-based
combinations. The central hypothesis of this U54 application is that specific genetic and immunologic
mechanisms underlie sensitivity and resistance to radiation-based combination therapies. We will address
these questions through 3 specific aims. In Aim 1, we will work to understand the molecular mechanisms that
underlie efficacy of treatment with radiation plus ADC. Here, our working hypothesis is that specific genetic and
immunologic events underlie response to RT plus sacituzumab govitecan (SG) treatment. We will leverage our
molecular characterization trial (Part A) investigating the use of RT and sacituzumab for bladder preservation
therapy. We will determine the differential molecular effects with standard-of-care RT + cisplatin versus RT +
SG. In Aim 2, we will improve identification of patients who are sensitive or resistant to RT-based therapies
based on new insights into transcriptional dynamics and temporal reprogramming during treatment with
radiation-based therapies. Here, we will leverage our molecular characterization trial treating head and neck
squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) or bladder cancer patients with RT + chemotherapy versus RT + SG or
ICI. We will build on recent experimental and clinical breakthroughs led by our research groups, which have
identified highly refined gene expression programs associated with RT sensitivity and delta radiomics. In Aim
3, we will identify the differential mechanisms underlying the anti-tumor activities of RT + cisplatin versus RT +
immune checkpoint blockade. Here, using our head and neck trial (Part B), we will uncover the unique genetic
and immunologic factors that govern response to RT when combined with these two classes of agents. We
will elucidate the differential molecular effects of the two approaches, immune reprogramming, and
mechanisms of acquired resistance. Our studies will help build a foundation to optimize multimodal, radiation-
based definitive treatment strategies.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Overall Section
This proposal focuses on elucidating the genomic and microenvironmental determinants, and temporal
dynamics underlying efficacy of radiation-based combination therapies. We will use an innovative molecular
characterization trial testing radiation plus antibody-drug conjugate in bladder cancer and radiation plus
immunotherapy in head and neck cancer to characterize the mechanistic drivers underlying these next
generation RT-based therapies. Our studies will help build a foundation to optimize multimodal, radiation-
based definitive treatment strategies.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Antibody-drug conjugatesAutomobile DrivingBiographyBiological MarkersBiological ProductsBladderBreast Cancer PatientCancer PatientChemotherapy and/or radiationCisplatinClinicClinicalCombined Modality TherapyDNA DamageDataDiseaseEventFoundationsGene ExpressionGeneticGenetic TranscriptionGenomicsGoalsHead and Neck CancerHead and Neck Squamous Cell CarcinomaHead and neck structureImmuneImmune checkpoint inhibitorImmune systemImmunologic FactorsImmunologicsImmunotherapyInternationalMalignant neoplasm of urinary bladderModalityMolecularMutationOncologyOutcomePathogenesisPatientsRadiationRadiation ToleranceRadiation therapyRadiobiologyResearchResearch PersonnelResistanceRobin birdRoentgen RaysTestingTherapeuticTreatment EfficacyWorkantitumor effectcancer therapycancer typecheckpoint therapychemotherapyimmune checkpoint blockadeimprovedimproved outcomeinnovationinsightmultidisciplinarymultimodalitynext generationpreservationprogramsradiation effectradiation resistanceradiation responseradiomicsresponsestandard of caretreatment strategytumor
No Sub Projects information available for 5U54CA274513-02
Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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The Project Outcomes shown here are displayed verbatim as submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI) for this award. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the PI and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Institutes of Health. NIH has not endorsed the content below.
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