Abstract Text
The Vanderbilt Vision Research Center (VVRC) was founded in 1989 as a cross-institutional,
interdisciplinary collaboration between Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The
VVRC has a history innovative vision research, spanning the eye and its diseases to cognitive processing and
integration of visual information. Faculty from the School of Medicine, College of Arts & Science, and School
of Engineering combine through strong institutional support and strategic faculty recruitment and appointments
to promote and sustain excellence in vision science. The VVRC’s long-term mission is to leverage novel
technologies, strategies, and partnerships to (1) understand the biological substrates of vision and
mechanisms of diseases affecting the visual system and (2) leverage this knowledge to inform, develop, and
test new therapeutic strategies for vision-threatening conditions. To this end, we support 7 well-coordinated
service modules. Animal Models, Histology & Pathology, Instrumentation, and Computation & Data
Management represent cores intrinsic to VVRC facilities, while Sequencing & Informatics, Cell Imaging &
Analysis, and Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics utilize an internal scholarship system to subsidize use of the
world-class institutional cores for which Vanderbilt is known. The purpose of the VVRC Administrative
Module is to facilitate the integration and communication of activities within and use of the separate service
modules. VVRC Director Calkins will remain primary investigator of the overall core. The administrative
module is rounded out by Sr Business Process Manager Jill Brott. Together with the Directorship Committee,
which includes the directors of each service module, the administrative module oversees all daily activities
within the VVRC and the use of all core funds. The Specific Aims of this module are to (1) facilitate flow of
service requests to appropriate module director and relevant staff, (2) maintain electronic records of service
module usage for distribution to module directors, (3) reconcile all financial ledgers against expenditures and
personnel encumbrances, (4) facilitate purchase of supplies and equipment necessary for VVRC service
modules and oversee their equitable usage, (5) mediate dispersion of information related to all vision research
activities, and (6) interact with administrative services for other centers and institutes in support of core
function. In these ways, the administrative module will promote innovation in vision research at Vanderbilt by
serving as the hub of financial, organizational, and educational activities related to the VVRC mission.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Data not available.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Academic Medical CentersAccountabilityAffectAnimal ModelAppointmentArtsBiologicalBudgetsBusinessesCognitiveCommunicationCore GrantDatabasesDiseaseEducationEducational ActivitiesElectronic MailElectronicsEngineeringEquipment and SuppliesEquityEventExpenditureEyeFacultyFaculty RecruitmentFundingGrantHistologyHuman ResourcesIndividualInformaticsInstitutionInstructionKnowledgeLeadershipLinkMass Spectrum AnalysisMediatingMissionModalityMonitorPaperPathologyProcessProteomicsRecording of previous eventsRecordsResearchResearch ActivityResearch PersonnelResource AllocationSamplingScholarshipSchoolsScienceServicesShippingSurveysSystemTestingUniversitiesUpdateVisionVision researchVisual Systemcellular imagingcollegedata managementelectronic datainnovationinstrumentationinterdisciplinary collaborationmedical schoolsmeetingsmembernew technologynovel therapeutic interventionsymposiumvision sciencevisual informationvoucherweb pageweb platformweb site
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Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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