Abstract Text
The Vanderbilt Vision Research Center (VVRC) includes faculty investigators with a strong interest in
discerning genetic relationships that govern functional circuits in the visual pathways and those that predispose
patients towards disease and response to treatment. These relationships require the ability to measure
expression and genomic patterns in large numbers of samples, transgenic animals, and even within individual
cells. The purpose of the VVRC Sequencing & Informatics Module is to provide a comprehensive resource
for all genetic, genomic, and bioinformatic research that utilizes animal or human RNA or DNA. This module
gives investigators and their staff access to state-of-the-art genomics and bioinformatics facilities, software and
technical expertise through subsidized scholarship use of the Vanderbilt Technologies for Advanced
Genomics (VANTAGE) and Vanderbilt Technologies for Advanced Genomics Analysis and Research
Design (VANGARD) core resources. VANTAGE performs a wide array of high-throughput DNA and RNA
services, while VANGARD is housed within the Center for Quantitative Sciences and provides biostatistical
and bioinformatic support of experimental design and data analysis and storage. VVRC support translates on a
dollar-for-dollar basis to scholarships issued to VVRC investigators applicable for all VANTAGE/VANGARD
services. This scholarship system is implemented by the VUMC Office of Research and is utilized instead of a
discount or co-pay via the VUMC ILab accounting system. In the current funding cycle, the Sequencing &
Informatics service was used for 69 publications involving 19 investigators, including 7 current NEI R01
holders. Projected use of the service module is considerable, with 9 of 16 current NEI R01 grant holders
projecting moderate (6) to extensive (3) use of the core. All told, 22/52 VVRC members will have moderate to
extensive use (42%). The Sequencing & Informatics Module, housed in a centralized location conveniently
accessed from all parts of campus, is directed by VVRC Director David Calkins, PhD. Using resources and
personnel supported in part by this Core mechanism, the VVRC Genomics Module will provide (1) next-
generation sequencing paradigms suitable for visual system tissues, (2) state-of-the-art genotypying services,
(3) DNA extraction, DNA sample banking and other services that support high-throughput preclinical and
clinical genetics studies, and (4) bioinformatics support for genomics data. These services and resources will
enhance the scope of experimentation NEI-funded VVRC investigators conduct, expand the training of
students and fellows involved in vision science, and promote collaboration by providing sophisticated, high-
resolution and high-throughput genomics and bioinformatic services to those who otherwise would not have
such capabilities, including early-career vision scientists and clinician-scientists competing for extramural
funding for their laboratories.
No Sub Projects information available for 2P30EY008126-37 7480
Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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