Abstract Text
The Vanderbilt Vision Research Center (VVRC) includes faculty investigators with a strong interest in
discerning structure-function relationships in the visual pathways. These include inferences and hypotheses
based on whole tissue analysis, single cell labeling, and localization of molecular components of biochemical
cascades in involved in intra- and extracellular signaling. Testing such ideas requires access not only to expert
histological processing and labeling, provided by VVRC, but also sophisticated high-resolution microscopy
imaging platforms. The purpose of the VVRC Cell Imaging & Analysis Module is to provide a comprehensive
resource for light and electron microscopy imaging and analysis by supplying support for leadership personnel
of the Vanderbilt Cell Imaging Shared Resource (CISR), which includes the Nikon Center of Excellence
housed in the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology (Medical Center North). This support translates
on a dollar-for-dollar basis to scholarships issued to VVRC investigators applicable for all CISR services,
including the Nikon Center for Excellence. This scholarship system is implemented by the VUMC Office of
Research and is utilized instead of a discount or co-pay via the VUMC ILab accounting system. In the current
funding cycle, the Cell Imaging & Analysis service contributed material for 57 publications involving 14 VVRC
faculty authors, including 6 current NEI R01 holders. Projected use of the service module is considerable, with
10 of 16 current NEI R01 grant holders projecting moderate (7) to extensive (3) use of the core. Of our 7
members with NEI RO1 proposals in review, 6 will have nearly entirely extensive use of this service module.
Two of four VVRC faculty with other NEI funding project moderate to extensive use while a select group 3
additional NIH-funded faculty project mostly extensive use. All told, 22/52 VVRC members will have moderate
to extensive use (42%). The VVRC Cell Imaging & Analysis Module, housed in centralized locations sufficient
for 23 independent microscopy platforms, is directed by Professor David J. Calkins, PhD. Using resources and
personnel supported in part by this Core mechanism, the module will provide (1) a broad range of imaging
modalities suitable for visual system tissues, (2) state-of-the-art image analysis software and data storage
solutions, (3) consistent monitored access to imaging equipment and workstations, (4) imaging consultation on
appropriate imaging modalities and sample pre-processing for visual system cell and tissue samples, and (5)
training in the full spectrum of imaging modalities available in the CISR. These services and resources will
enhance the scope of experimentation NEI-funded VVRC investigators conduct, expand the training of
students and fellows involved in vision science, and promote collaboration by providing sophisticated, high-
resolution and diverse imaging technology to those who otherwise would not have such capabilities, including
early-career vision scientists and clinician-scientists competing for extramural funding for their laboratories.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Data not available.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
3-DimensionalAccountingAuthorization documentationBiochemicalCellsCellular biologyCollaborationsCollectionCommunicationComputer softwareConsultationsCore GrantDataData SetData Storage and RetrievalDevelopmental BiologyDoctor of PhilosophyDocumentationElectron MicroscopyEnsureEnvironmentEquipmentExtramural ActivitiesFacultyFluorescenceFundingGoalsGrantGuidelinesHistologicHourHuman ResourcesImageImage AnalysisImaging technologyInstitutionLabelLaboratoriesLaser Scanning Confocal MicroscopyLeadershipLightLightingLocationManualsMedical centerMicroscopeMicroscopyModalityModificationMolecularMonitorOpticsPublicationsResearchResearch PersonnelResolutionResource SharingResourcesRunningSamplingScholarshipScientistSecureServicesSignal TransductionSoftware ToolsSpeedStructureStructure-Activity RelationshipSupervisionSystemTechnical ExpertiseTestingTimeTissue SampleTissuesTrainingTranslatingUnited States National Institutes of HealthVisionVision researchVisual PathwaysVisual Systemarchive datacareercellular imagingcentralized portalcostdata archivediscountextracellularflexibilityimaging modalityimaging platformimprovedinterestlight microscopymembermicroscopic imagingoperationprofessorreconstructionsingle moleculespectrographstudent trainingsuperresolution imagingsuperresolution microscopyvision sciencevisual processing
No Sub Projects information available for 2P30EY008126-37 7481
Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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