PhiladelphiaRegionalCenter for Children’s Environmental Health
Project Number1P2CES033428-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderSIMMONS, REBECCA A Other PIs
Abstract Text
PhiladelphiaRegionalCenter for Children's Environmental Health (PRCCEH) is a new children's center
which will provide the infrastructure to integrate CEH research expertise at University of Pennsylvania (Penn)
Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM), Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), Drexel University, Temple
University, Thomas Jefferson University, Lehigh University, Franklin & Marshall College, Villanova University
and University of Delaware to improve children's health by reducing environmental exposures in early life
across our region. The Center will be led by Directors Rebecca Simmons, M.D., and Aimin Chen, M.D.,
Ph.D., and Deputy Director Marilyn Howarth, M.D. The mission of the PRCCEH is to disseminate children's
environmental health knowledge to health care providers, community members, and policy makers, to develop,
test and implement new translational products, and to engage researchers and community partners to make
policy, practice, and behavioral changes to reduce environmental exposures in early life. The vision and the
mission of the PRCCEH are oriented to the Philadelphia region to address pressing CEH issues. The Center
consists of 27 experts in pediatrics, epidemiology, occupational and environmental medicine, toxicology, social
ecology, implementation science, community engagement, risk communication, nursing, bioinformatics, and
other areas. The Center is comprised of an Administrative Core and Executive Committee, a Development Core,
and a Translation Core, and is advised by Internal Advisory Committee and Community Stakeholder Advisory
Committee. The Center will focus on four primary research and translation areas: a) Asthma prevention,
motivated by disparity of asthma hospitalization in Philadelphia and a Community Asthma Prevention Program
(CAPP) with more than 20 years of experience; b) Lead exposure and harm reduction, motivated by a disparity
in elevated blood lead levels in children <6 years of age at the population level; c) Air pollution, motivated by
high annual particulate matter and ozone pollution in Philadelphia-Reading-Camden Metropolitan Statistical Area
(among the 25 worst polluted areas in the U.S.); and d) Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), motivated
by increasing disease burden from EDC-related preterm birth, obesity and diabetes, and neurodevelopmental
disorders. The Center members are experienced in these translational areas and will achieve the following
Specific Aims in the next 5 years. Aim 1. Build the PRCCEH as a regional infrastructure center for CEH research
and translation; Aim 2. Expand PRCCEH membership and leverage institutional resources to promote CEH
translation; Aim 3. Nurture and mentor early stage investigators (ESI) in CEH research and attract established
environmental health (EH) scientists into CEH; Aim 4. Translate CEH research to community members and
stakeholders to improve children's health; Aim 5. Establish two pilot programs for CEH translation; Aim 6.
Provide efficient administrative services to facilitate research translation.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
PhiladelphiaRegionalCenter for Children's Environmental Health (PRCCEH) is a new children's center which
will provide the infrastructure to translate its findings to communities to identify the most vulnerable and
improve prevention, intervention and treatment for children from environmental exposures.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
6 year oldAddressAdvisory CommitteesAfrican AmericanAir PollutionAreaAsthmaBehavioralBioinformaticsChildChild HealthCommunicationCommunitiesDelawareDevelopmentDiabetes MellitusDiscipline of NursingDoctor of MedicineDoctor of PhilosophyEcologyEndocrine DisruptorsEnvironmental ExposureEnvironmental HealthEnvironmental MedicineEpidemiologyHarm ReductionHealth PersonnelHealth ProfessionalHigh PrevalenceHospitalizationHousingInfrastructureInterventionLeadLead levelsLifeMentorsMissionNeurodevelopmental DisorderObesityOccupational HealthOccupational MedicineOzoneParentsParticulate MatterPediatric HospitalsPediatric epidemiologyPediatricsPennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaPolicy MakerPolicy MakingPollutionPopulationPremature BirthPreventionPrevention programReadingResearchResearch PersonnelResourcesRiskSchoolsScientistServicesTestingTimeToxicologyTranslatingTranslational ResearchTranslationsUniversitiesVisionasthma preventionblood leadburden of illnesscatalystcollegecommunity engagementenvironmental toxicologyexperiencehealth knowledgeimplementation scienceimprovedlead exposuremedical schoolsmembermetropolitanmid-career facultyprofessorprogramsranpirnasesocialweb site
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2022
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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