Membrane-active quinoline and quinazoline antibacterials that target Gram positive pathogens
Project Number5R01AI146116-05
Contact PI/Project LeaderCHEUNG, AMBROSE LIN YAU
Awardee OrganizationDARTMOUTH COLLEGE
Abstract Text
Infections due to resistant Gram+ organisms are on the rise, likely due to a variety of factors including longer
hospital stay, increased frequency of invasive procedures and pervasive antibiotic therapy. Compounding
the problem is the emergence of multi-drug resistance (MDR) among many Gram+ pathogens (MRSA, S.
epidermidis, Enterococcus and S. pneumoniae). Despite antibiotic stewardship and infection control, new
agents against these Gram+ pathogens are urgently needed. After screening a ~60,000 preselected
compound library, we obtained DNAC-2, a 4-hydroxyquinoline derivative, that exhibited antibacterial activities
against MRSA and Enterococcus. We subsequently synthesized 3 series of analogues involving over 50
compounds. Two of these analogues in the 2th series, JRS-3-56 (compound 1) and JRS-4-32 (compound 2),
were cidal against MRSA, S. epidermidis, E. faecalis and E. faecium, with MIC ≤0.2 μg/ml. However, both 1
and 2 have poor predicted aqueous solubility with high cLogP (7.7 and 6.0, respectively). Conversion of
quinoline to quinazoline for 1 improved the cLogP (from 6.06 to 5.08) but led to a slight increase in MIC (0.25
to 2 µg/ml). In the latest series, we introduced a carbonyl group at C-4 and a C to N substitution at the C-1
position, yielding compounds 3 and 4 with low cLogPs and very low MIC (0.06 µg/ml for USA300),
accompanied by a much tighter SAR. Using macromolecular synthesis assays, membrane-specific dye FM4-
64 and electron microscopy studies, we have evidence that 1 and 2 target the Gram+ membrane (3 and 4
also resulted in membrane defect as detected by the FM4-64 dye), but not Gram- or eukaryotic membrane,
thus implying some degree of specificity. However, the exact target of these compounds which likely differs
from daptomycin, is not known. In this application, we seek to define the mechanism of action of these
quinoline/quinolone derivatives and further explore the SAR that governs in vitro and in vivo activities and
drug disposition properties. Accordingly, we have the following specific aims: 1) design and synthesize
quinoline/quinolone derivates by defining the SAR that governs activity against major Gram+ pathogens and
drug disposition properties (MIC, solubility, overt toxicity and serum binding etc.); 2) delineate the mechanism
of action of the quinoline/quinolone derivatives with genetic, biochemical and biophysical tools; 3)
pharmacokinetic and efficacy studies where candidates compounds will be evaluated for their drug
disposition properties to ensure safety and selectivity followed by selection of “lead” compounds for full PK
evaluation and efficacy studies with two animal models. The goal of these studies is to identify “druggable
membrane-active compounds” with broad Gram+ activity. If successful, we believe these compounds will
represent a new class of membrane-active compounds that offer a significant advance in drug development.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative:
Multidrug resistance (MDR) in pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria poses a serious public-health
problem. We have identified a series of novel compounds based on a new molecular scaffold
that exhibit bactericidal activity against many Gram-positive pathogens, accompanied by
improved solubility. We propose to optimize this compound by making a series of analogs
which we will characterize with regard to drug-like properties and in vitro and in vivo activity.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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