Evaluation of a Pharmacist-Integrated Model of Opioid Use Disorder Treatment to Increase Naloxone Co-Prescribing in Primary Care
Project Number1F31DA060690-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderBOGGIS, JESSE S
Awardee OrganizationDARTMOUTH COLLEGE
Abstract Text
In the United States overdose deaths remain at near record highs, largely due to the proliferation of fentanyl in
the illicit opioid supply. Increasing access to the opioid overdose antidote, naloxone, to people at high risk of
experiencing or witnessing an overdose is a public health intervention shown to reduce overdose death. Nearly
half of the US states have a provision related to prescribing naloxone to patients at risk, namely patients
prescribed medication for opioid use disorder, known as co-prescription. However, research suggests most
states are not distributing or co-prescribing enough naloxone to prevent 80% of witnessed overdose deaths.
While the most recent federal approval of the first over-the counter (OTC) naloxone formulation will help
increase access for people who can afford OTC naloxone, it is unknown how this approval may affect access
for people receiving medication treatment for OUD in primary care. Co-prescribing naloxone in primary care
has the potential to fill what has been a persistent gap in the overdose crisis response. There is growing
literature that pharmacists can help to increase naloxone co-prescription. The NIDA Clinical Trials Network
0116 study (PI: Marsch) is ongoing and aims to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and impact of
implementing a pharmacist-integrated model of medication treatment for OUD (PrIMO) in four primary care
sites in four states. The objective of this F31 application is to investigate whether PrIMO may increase primary
care capacity for co-prescribing naloxone within the parent study. The research project aims to: (1) Describe
federal, state, and clinic-level policies and current OUD interventions which impact co-prescribing naloxone
within four PrIMO primary care sites in four states. (2) Investigate care team knowledge and attitudes regarding
naloxone, emerging OTC naloxone guidance, and patient overdose across PrIMO implementation, and (3)
Evaluate naloxone co-prescribing to patients receiving medication treatment for OUD by patient demographics,
provider type, health insurance, urine drug test results, and (b) test if these associations become stronger or
weaker across PrIMO implementation. The training plan outlines four learning objectives: (1) gaining
descriptive and historical knowledge of the breadth of naloxone policies across different states in the U.S, (2)
proficiency with performing longitudinal qualitative interviews with participants as well as proficiency with
qualitative analysis techniques relevant to clinical trial implementation and evaluation. (3) proficiency with multi-
level modeling relevant to primary care electronic medical record data and (4) developing as a professional
academic scientist. These objectives will be achieved with the support and commitment of the mentor,
consultant team, and institution. This proposal supports the applicants long-term research agenda to reduce
opioid overdose deaths by facilitating greater access to naloxone and evidence-based models of OUD care.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The opioid overdose crisis remains a critical public health threat and warrants an evidence-based approach to
develop treatment and policy solutions. The proposed study will investigate whether a pharmacist-integrated
model of medication treatment for opioid use disorder may increase primary care capacity for co-prescribing
the overdose antidote, naloxone. The proposed training plan will provide the applicant with clinical trial
methodological experience with the guidance of her sponsor and expert consultants.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AbstinenceAccountingAdministratorAffectAntidotesAttitudeCaringCessation of lifeCharacteristicsClinicClinical TrialsClinical Trials NetworkComputerized Medical RecordConsolidated Framework for Implementation ResearchDataDisease ManagementDrug ControlsDrug PrescriptionsElectronic Health RecordEquationEvaluationEventFDA approvedFederally Qualified Health CenterFentanylFormulationFoundationsGoalsHarm ReductionHealth InsuranceInstitutionInsurance CarriersInterventionInterviewKnowledgeLawsLearningLinkLiteratureMaineMeasuresMentorsMethodologyModelingNaloxoneNational Institute of Drug AbuseOutcomeOverdoseOverdose reductionParentsParticipantPatientsPersonsPharmaceutical PreparationsPharmacistsPharmacy facilityPoliciesPolicy AnalysisPrimary CareProliferatingProviderPublic HealthRecoveryResearchResearch DesignResearch MethodologyResearch Project GrantsResearch SupportRiskScanningScientistSiteStudy modelsTechniquesTest ResultTestingTrainingUS StateUnited StatesUrineauthoritycareerclinical trial implementationdemographicsdrug testingevidence baseexperiencefentanyl analoghigh riskillicit opioidinnovationintegrated caremanufacturemedication for opioid use disordermortalitymultilevel analysisopioid mortalityopioid overdoseopioid use disorderoverdose deathprescription opioidpreventprimary care teampublic health interventionresponsesocial stigmasynthetic opioid
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