NH CREATES the Future: The New Hampshire Collaborative for Regenerative Medicine Education and Training for Engineers and Scientists of the Future
Project Number5R25GM137381-05
Contact PI/Project LeaderAMATO-WIERDA, CARMELA Other PIs
Abstract Text
Project Summary
NH CREATES the Future: the NH Collaborative for Regenerative Medicine Education
and Training for Engineers and Scientists of the Future
The University of New Hampshire, in collaboration with faculty participants from the New
Hampshire IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (NH-INBRE), as well as
school district and industry partners, propose an NIH Science Education Partnership Award
to establish and advance NH CREATES the Future: the NH Collaborative for Regenerative
Medicine Education and Training for Engineers and Scientists of the Future (hereafter, NH
CREATES). The overall goal of NH CREATES is to establish a robust pipeline extending
from middle school to higher education for the burgeoning regenerative medicine and
biofabrication (RM&B) industry in New Hampshire. Aim 1 of NH CREATES will provide
formal professional development and training for twelve grades 6-12 teachers per year, in
project-based learning implementation through the lens of RM&B and its foundational concepts,
(1) organisms for regeneration, (2) cellular and molecular biology, (3) computational methods in
biology, and (4) molecular structure and function, as well as responsible conduct of research.
Aim 2 provides a set of summer programs for forty under-represented youth annually,
incorporating project-based learning that is focused on RM&B. This specific platform will also
provide a forum where parents, school administrators and industry partners can bring students
into a community of near-peer mentors, to establish them on a biotechnology career pathway.
Additionally, these youth project support the teacher training by serving as a learning laboratory
for the professional development of the teachers.
Moreover, aim 3 of NH CREATES will
establish a NH CREATES Ecosystem, to provide an infrastructure that will build relationships
and develop connections between educational institutions within NH INBRE, school teachers
and administrators, parents, youth, employers, community resources, and philanthropy. The
combination of these stakeholder relationships and their activities establish an innovative
ecosystem in New Hampshire that facilitates the entry and retention of students in a
biomedical education pipeline spanning middle school to higher education, in order to
sustain the workforce to meet NH’s RM&B and biotechnology needs. NH CREATES is a
training mechanism to supply the RM&B industry with an educated workforce so that, in turn,
this burgeoning industry can fulfill its potential to cure disease.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
The University of New Hampshire, in collaboration with faculty participants from the New
Hampshire IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (NH-INBRE), as well as school district
and industry partners, propose an NIH Science Education Partnership Award to establish and
advance NH CREATES the Future: the NH Collaborative for Regenerative Medicine Education and
Training for Engineers and Scientists of the Future (hereafter, NH CREATES). This combination of
stakeholder relationships and their activities, including teacher professional development and youth
STEM projects, will establish an innovative ecosystem in New Hampshire that facilitates entry and
retention of students in a biomedical education pipeline spanning middle school to higher
education. This pipeline provides entry into the workforce critical to NH’s regenerative medicine,
biofabrication and biotechnology needs, so that, in turn, this burgeoning industry can fulfill its
potential to not only cure significant disease, but in time, evolve into that disruptive innovation that
will transform medicine.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAdministratorAwardAwarenessBiologyBiomedical ResearchBiotechnologyCareer ChoiceCellular biologyCollaborationsCommunitiesCompetenceComputing MethodologiesDedicationsDevelopmentDiseaseEcosystemEducationEducational CurriculumEducational process of instructingElectronic Medical Records and Genomics NetworkEmploymentEngineeringEvolutionFacultyFutureGoalsHigh School FacultyIndustryInfrastructureInstitutionLaboratoriesLearningMedicalMedicineMentorsMiddle School FacultyMolecular BiologyMolecular StructureNatural regenerationNew HampshireOccupationsOrganismOutcomeParentsParticipantPathway interactionsRegenerative MedicineReportingResearch PersonnelResourcesSchool TeachersSchoolsScientistStructureStudentsTalentsTeacher Professional DevelopmentTimeTrainingTraining and EducationUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesWorkforce DevelopmentYouthbiofabricationeducation pathwayexperiencehigh schoolhigher educationindustry partnerinnovationjunior high schoollensmodel organismpeer coachingprogramsproject-based learningregenerative biologyresponsible research conductschool districtscience educationskillsstudent retentionsummer programteacherworkforce needs
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