Mechanisms of Impaired Inflammation Resolution in Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease
Project Number1R01HL174700-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderASHARE, ALIX
Abstract Text
Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) suffer from chronic infections and lung inflammation leading to bronchiectasis
and, ultimately, respiratory failure. Although recent advances, including the approval of highly effective CFTR
modulator therapy (HEMT), have improved the overall quality of life of people with CF (PwCF), chronic
infection and inflammation are the primary cause of morbidity. Although the magnitude of the inflammatory
response is known to be increased in the CF lung, the mechanisms underlying persistent inflammation are
unknown. We have shown that lung macrophages are critical to the local inflammatory response in CF. Lung
macrophages include functionally distinct subpopulations including CD169+ and CD169- lung macrophages.
Our preliminary data demonstrate that CF CD169- lung macrophages have decreased expression of Nrf2, a
transcription factor known to regulate cellular metabolism, compared to non-CF bronchiectasis and control
subjects, and this did not improve with HEMT. We also found that CF CD169- lung macrophages are
persistently glycolytic and inflammatory, even in the setting of HEMT, while non-CF bronchiectasis and healthy
CD169- lung macrophages can transition to an inflammation resolving phenotype. As immune cell crosstalk
can be mediated by extracellular vesicles (EVs), we investigated the impact of CD169+ lung macrophage EVs
on the inflammatory response of CD169- lung macrophages and found that CF CD169+ lung macrophage EVs
induce persistent inflammation in CD169- lung macrophages. Lastly, we have preliminary data showing altered
expression of miRNAs predicted to inhibit Nrf2 and reduced levels of inflammation resolving lipids in EVs from
CF CD169+ lung macrophages. Thus, we hypothesize that specific miRNAs and lipids within CF CD169+ LM
EVs reduce Nrf2 levels in CD169- LMs, causing persistent glycolysis and failure to transition to an inflammation
resolving phenotype. In Aim 1, we will test the hypothesis that there are functionally important
immunometabolic differences in CF lung macrophages that are specific to CF and persist after HEMT. In this
Aim, we will fully characterize subpopulations of lung macrophages in the CF lung and will quantify differences
in cellular metabolism and inflammation resolution between CD169+ and CD169- lung macrophages in PwCF,
non-CF bronchiectasis subjects, and healthy subjects. In Aim 2, we will test the hypothesis that specific
miRNAs within EVs released by CF CD169+ lung macrophages impact the inflammatory response of CD169-
lung macrophages. In Aim 3, we will test the hypothesis that the lipid content of EVs released by CF CD169+
lung macrophages prevents the shift to an inflammation resolution phenotype in r CD169- lung macrophages.
The proposed studies are unique because they involve human subjects before and after HEMT and thus, our
data will be directly relevant to PwCF. In addition, our studies will provide new and essential information on the
mechanisms of persistent lung inflammation in CF and will allow us to identify targets for novel therapies to
reduce harmful CF lung inflammation and improve the lives and longevity of people living with CF.
Public Health Relevance Statement
This innovative and potentially paradigm shifting research in human subjects is important for public health
because understanding the mechanisms underlying impaired resolution of inflammation in CF will have a
critical impact on investigations of new therapeutic interventions for CF lung disease. Furthermore, the
proposed research is germane to the NIH’s mission focusing on discoveries related to human disease
pathogenesis and translation of these studies to clinical medicine.
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