Systematic characterization of bioactive molecules from the human microbiome
Project Number5R01AI172144-03
Former Number1R01DK133783-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderABOU DONIA, MOHAMED
Abstract Text
A complex interplay exists between the human microbiome and the host, resulting in clear effects on
human physiology and microbiome ecology. A promising avenue to dissect this interplay at a
mechanistic level is through the study of microbiome-derived molecules that mediate important
microbe-microbe and microbe-host interactions. In this application, we propose a hybrid computational-
synthetic biology approach to discover, rationally prioritize and systematically characterize microbiome-
derived molecules. We propose to apply this approach to three structurally diverse classes of bioactive
molecules that are widely encoded by the human microbiome but remain severely understudied in
terms of both structure and function. First, guided by the computational analysis of biosynthetic gene
clusters in metagenomic sequencing data from the human microbiome of thousands of subjects, we
will select specific members of the three molecular classes for experimental characterization. Second,
we will use genome editing of native members of the microbiome and synthetic biology in a multi-host
heterologous expression platform to characterize the selected pathways and their products. Finally, we
will employ an array of in vitro, cell-based and mouse colonization assays to interrogate the role of the
discovered molecules in mediating relevant host and microbiome functions. Taken together, our
approach will unveil an undermined section of the interplay between the human microbiome and the
host and provide diverse microbiome-derived bioactive molecules as tools for future mechanistic
studies and therapeutic interventions.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Human microbiome-derived bioactive molecules play an important role in mediating
microbiome functions and host effects, but we have thus far only discovered a small
number of these molecules. Here, we propose to systematically characterize the structure
and function of three classes of diverse molecules that are widely encoded by the human
microbiome but are currently understudied. Our findings will move us closer towards
accurate prediction of microbiome function in health and disease, and allow us to identify
potential entry points for targeted interventions.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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