Development and application of a high-fidelity computational model of diabetic retinopathy hemodynamics: Coupling single-cell biophysics with retinal vascular network topology and complexity
Project Number5R01EY033003-04
Contact PI/Project LeaderBAGCHI, PROSENJIT
Awardee OrganizationRUTGERS, THE STATE UNIV OF N.J.
Abstract Text
Pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy is characterized by the appearance of morphological abnormalities in the
retinal capillary vessels. Although such abnormalities are used in the clinical evaluation of the disease severity,
the hemodynamic mechanisms underlying their development and progression remain unknown. These
morphological abnormalities are highly localized in specific regions of the retinal vascular network, and may
correlate with the local variations of the hemodynamic parameters and forces. Diabetic conditions significantly
alter the biophysical properties of the blood cells, however the influence of such altered biophysical properties
on the retinal hemodynamics and pathogenesis of retinopathy are not known. Existing in vivo imaging
techniques have limitations in terms of the hemodynamic measurements in the topologically complex and multi-
plexus retinal vasculature. Additionally, tissue hypoxia and the loss of blood flow autoregulation are pathogenic
factors in retinopathy. No study exists that correlates diabetes-mediated altered biophysics of the individual
blood cell to the loss of retinal tissue oxygenation and flow regulation. Our underlying hypotheses are: (i)
altered biophysics of diabetic red blood cells (RBC) alone can mediate vascular abnormalities by altering the
hemodynamic parameters and forces; and (ii) such changes are spatially heterogeneous across the retinal
vascular network, and correlate with the focal and heterogeneous nature of vascular abnormalities. The broad
objective of this project is to understand the relationship between the hemodynamics of diabetic blood cells,
retinal vascular network topology, and pathogenesis of retinopathy, using a high-fidelity, predictive
computational modeling study. Specific aims are: 1) To develop a multiscale computational model of the
diabetic retinopathy hemodynamics taking into consideration the precise microstructural and geometric details
of the 3D vascular networks as obtained from in vivo images of the human retina, and 3D deformation of every
single blood cell with altered biophysical properties representing diabetic conditions. 2) To predict diabetic
RBC-mediated alteration in the retinal hemodynamics, and how such changes are correlated to the formation
and heterogeneity of microvascular abnormalities and vascular adaptation at different stages of progressive
retinopathy. 3) To evaluate the significance of diverse cellular-scale hemodynamic pathways involved. 4) To
predict the role of RBC hemodynamics on retinal hypoxia and loss of nitric oxide bioavailability as pathogenic
factors in retinopathy. This study is significant and innovative because it will (i) develop the first high-fidelity,
predictive computational model that combines the exact 3D geometry of ultra-large-scale and multi-plexus in
silico retinal vasculature, and 3D deformation and rheology of every blood cell, (ii) provide a rheology-
topology coupling mechanism as a basis of hemodynamics-mediated initiation and progression of vascular
abnormalities, (ii) directly model heterotypic individual cell-cell and cell-endothelium interactions, and (iv)
couple individual RBC transient deformation with blood and retinal tissue gas transport.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in working-age adults with more than 190
million worldwide projected to be affected by 2030. This project will develop a computer model
to predict initiation and progression of diabetic retinopathy based on changes in blood flow in
retinal vessels that are caused by changes in the properties of blood cells and vessel structure due
to their prolonged exposure to diabetic conditions. The detailed and accurate prediction from this
model may provide novel insights on blood flow-mediated pathogenesis of retinopathy, and
reliable metrics for early disease detection, thereby directly benefiting clinical diagnosis and
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