A new mechanistic and technological framework for uncovering the spinal cord neural systems important for functional recovery after injury
Project Number5K01NS116224-05
Awardee OrganizationRUTGERS, THE STATE UNIV OF N.J.
Abstract Text
Project Summary and Abstract
Interventions that increase plasticity and regeneration after spinal cord injury (SCI) are improving, but little is
known about the neural systems that would be most effective to target such interventions. Sensory based
rehabilitation suggests a strong link between cutaneous and proprioceptive sensory neuron activity and motor
recovery. Previous experiments provide strong support for the intermediate zone (IZ) of the spinal cord (SC) as
an important site mediating this recovery. However, few studies have assessed the role of specific IZ neurons
in functional recovery. Key barriers to progress include lack of characterization of specific cell types within the
IZ and a paucity of tools to visualize circuits and test their functions in motor performance and recovery
following SCI. Our lab combines sophisticated mouse genetic approaches with sensitive motor movement
tracking to understand how sensory information is encoded by the SC to influence behavior. Using this
approach, we uncovered that intermediate zone (IZ) parvalbumin positive interneurons (PVs) are important for
tactile motor responses and locomotion. We hypothesize that IZ-PVs process sensory information to activate
specific muscle groups during locomotion and that they play a critical role in activity-based functional recovery
following SCI. The ability to identify circuits important for functional recovery relies on how accurately we can
quantify differences in behavioral outcomes. We are implementing an unsupervised approach using 3-D pose
dynamics and artificial intelligence (AI) to characterize both sensitive behavioral biomarkers and uncover key
spinal cord circuits important for the recovery process. Interventions that increase plasticity and regeneration
are improving, and this project both identifies the neural systems and synaptic mechanisms that would be most
effective to target such interventions and establishes an AI-based platform for fast, reliable and unbiased
quantification of motor recovery in rodents. Thus, this project makes original and important contributions to the
field of spinal cord research in ways that are specifically aligned with central missions of the NINDS. Moreover,
our experimental scrutiny at both the neural and behavioral levels establishes a critical foundation for
developing a leading research program and securing independent award funding studying the spinal cord
circuits important for sensorimotor function and recovery following SCI. To this end, I have developed a
thorough and pragmatic career development plan supported by a strong committee of mentors with extensive
track records of laboratory and departmental level mentoring and distinguished portfolios of SCI-specific grant
support from the NIH, DoD and private foundations. My career development activities will be focused on four
aspects of my academic success. 1) Mentorship and guidance focused on laboratory management. 2)
Development and growth of my independent research program and award funding, with a focus on SCI
research gap-based training. 3) Navigating institutional responsibilities and fulfilling requirements for promotion
and tenure. 4) Expanding my scientific network and profile.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
Interventions that increase plasticity and regeneration after spinal cord injury (SCI) are improving, but little is
known about the spinal cord neural systems that would be most effective to target such interventions. This
project both identifies the spinal cord neural cell types and synaptic mechanisms that would be most effective
to target such interventions and establishes an artificial intelligence (AI)-based platform for fast, reliable and
unbiased quantification of motor recovery in rodents. Our experimental scrutiny at both the neural and
behavioral levels establishes a critical foundation for developing a prominent research program and securing
independent award funding studying the spinal cord circuits important for sensorimotor function and recovery
following SCI.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
3-DimensionalAnatomyArtificial IntelligenceAwardBehaviorBehavioralBehavioral AssayBiological MarkersComplexDataDevelopment PlansElementsEnsureFoundationsFundingGaitGeneticGoalsGrantGrowth and Development functionInjuryInstitutionInterneuronsInterventionLabelLaboratoriesLegLinkLiquid substanceLocomotionMediatingMentorsMentorshipMissionModelingMotorMotor NeuronsMovementMuscleNational Institute of Neurological Disorders and StrokeNatural regenerationNeuronsOutputParvalbuminsPatternPerformancePlayPopulationPositioning AttributePrivatizationProbabilityProcessProprioceptorPublishingRecordsRecoveryRecovery of FunctionRehabilitation therapyResearchRodentRoleSecureSensorimotor functionsSensorySensory ProcessShapesSiteSpinal CordSpinal Cord ContusionsSpinal cord injuryStructureSynapsesSystemTactileTechnologyTestingTherapeutic InterventionThree-Dimensional ImagingTouch sensationTrainingUnited States National Institutes of HealthVisualizationbehavior influencebehavioral outcomecareer developmentcell typecutaneous sensory neuronsdefined contributionexperimental studygenetic approachimprovedinjury recoveryinsightkinematicsmotor behaviormotor recoverymouse geneticsneuralprogramsresponsesuccesssynergismtool
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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