Abstract Text
Rapid and sensitive point of care tests that can detect all forms of drug resistance in tuberculosis (TB) are
urgently needed to address the rise of drug resistance. We propose to develop a novel mutation detection system
that uses recently developed nanoreactor bead chemistry and the Blink Diagnostic’s testing platform to identify
both the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and all of the clinically important mutations associated
with isoniazid (INH), rifampin (RIF), ethambutol (EMB), pyrazinamide (PZA), fluoroquinolone (FQ), linezolid (L),
bedaquiline (B), and pretomanid/delamanid (Pa/De) resistance. The new system will include integrated sample
processing and rapid thermal cycling technologies to produce results within 30 minutes at the point of care.
Mutations will be detected using digital and real-time PCR in novel addressable nanoreactor beads followed by
melting temperature analysis enabling robust detection of hundreds of different resistance mutations with the
sensitivity of current molecular diagnostics and the quantitation and hetero-resistance detection capacity of
digital PCR. This proposal will build upon an established partnership between Blink scientists and engineers who
previously developed highly successfully instruments and assays at Alere (currently Abbott Rapid Diagnostics),
and the academic team responsible for the suite of Xpert TB assays previously developed in collaboration with
Cepheid to perform the following specific aims: 1. Develop mis-match tolerant or “sloppy” molecular beacons
(SMBs) that identify mutations associated with INH, RIF, EMB and FQ resistance that are optimized to nanobead
format and fully functional on the Blink platform. 2. Finalize a SMB assay that queries the entire Mtb pncA gene
to identify mutations causal of PZA resistance specifically adapted for nanobead format in the BLINK system. 3.
Finalize development of cartridge based mechanical nucleic acid extraction process from sputum and other
matrixes for Mtb. 4. Expand the nanobead assay to test for all clinically relevant mutations causing with
resistance to Pa, B and L using the principals and chemistries developed in aims 1 – 2. 5. Perform initial
laboratory and clinical validation studies of the final aim 1-4 assays using stored clinical samples.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Summary
This project will develop a new way to easily test for many genetic mutations in a single test using a simple
device that could be used at the point of care. When applied to tuberculosis, most types of drug resistance will
be easily and rapidly diagnosed. This innovative diagnostic could vastly simplify treatment decisions and
potentially save hundreds of thousands of lives.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressBiological AssayBlinkingCatalogsChemistryClinicalCollaborationsCompanionsDNA Sequence AlterationDetectionDevelopmentDevicesDiagnosticDiagnostic testsDiseaseDrug resistanceDrug resistance in tuberculosisDrug resistant Mycobacteria TuberculosisEngineeringEthambutolFluoroquinolonesFoundationsFutureGenesIntermediate resistanceLaboratoriesLengthLinezolidMechanicsMolecularMutationMutation DetectionMycobacterium tuberculosisNucleic Acid Amplification TechniquesNucleic AcidsPerformancePharmaceutical PreparationsPredispositionProcessPyrazinamidePyrazinamide resistanceRapid diagnosticsResistanceResourcesRifampinRiskSamplingScientistSpecificitySpecimenSputumSystemTechnologyTemperatureTestingTimeTuberculosisUnited States National Institutes of HealthVertebral columnanalytical methodcausal variantclinically relevantdesigndetection limitdetection platformdiagnostic developmentdigitalfluoroquinolone resistanceinnovationinstrumentisoniazidlow and middle-income countriesmeltingmolecular diagnosticsmutantnanonovelnovel diagnosticsnovel therapeuticspoint of carepoint of care testingpromoterrapid diagnosisresistance generesistance mutationtuberculosis diagnosticstuberculosis drugstuberculosis treatmentvalidation studies
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2025
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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