Contact PI/Project LeaderMURPHY, KENNETH M Other PIs
Abstract Text
This renewal application seeks continued support for years 45-50 of the Washington University Training
Program in Immunology. This renewal application refines the training program to take opportunities to address
emerging needs and challenges in training of predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees. Washington University
School of Medicine (WUSM) has been a major center /magnet for both research and training in immunology
over many decades. The Immunology community at WUSM has achieved a world-recognized status, including
5 members of the National Academy of Sciences. It is characterized by a collaborative atmosphere that has
helped establish an excellent environment for training young Immunologists. This T32 training has been a
central component within this community, and has developed a symbiotic relationship that benefits the trainees
and mentors alike. In this renewal application, we have kept those parts that have historically worked
exceptionally well, and have also sought to address what we see as emerging challenges in obtaining a
training toward becoming a leader in immunology research. The needs we see are a result of the ever-
increasing amount of information, which has gradually led to a significant challenge for young trainees to
master, in the short time allotted before the pressures of independent research and discovery in mentor's lab
become the paramount motivation. Further, this application addresses questions from past reviews and refines
the distinction between activities of predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees supported by this T32 training
program and other trainees of the larger graduate program in immunology at WUSM. In this renewal, we have
seen this as a positive opportunity to revise the specific training provided by this T32, through our creation of a
new curriculum specifically tailored to providing a structured environment that ensures the trainee to obtain a
broad and in depth mastery of basic immunology. We are requesting the continuation of the 6 predoctoral and
4 postdoctoral trainee slots per year. This successful Training Program is thus producing the next generation of
basic and clinician scientists, whom we expect will elucidate the intricacies and mechanisms of our immune
system functions, and thereby help develop novel therapeutic strategies for multiple human diseases.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The Training Program in Basic Immunology at Washington University in Saint Louis seeks continued support
(Years 46-50) to maintain a highly successful mechanism to support talented predoctoral and postdoctoral
trainees, who aspire to become leaders in immunology research. The program faculty are highly accomplished
scientists performing state-of-the-art immunology research in a premier world-class medical research
institution. The Program has supported the careers of many of today's most successful immunology
researchers, and its continued support will train future leaders to expand our understanding of fundamental
immunological mechanisms, with implications for major human diseases.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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