Clinical Outcomes Research Training in Female Lower Urinary Tract Disorders
Project Number5T32DK120497-05
Contact PI/Project LeaderLOWDER, JERRY LANE Other PIs
Abstract Text
Female lower urinary tract disorders, such as urinary incontinence and urinary tract infections, are common
(affecting millions of women each year), costly, and sub-optimally managed. Additionally, insufficient research is
performed in this area, preventing the development of new and personalized therapies and strategies to optimize
care and well-being. This is, in part, because few physicians and scientists are trained to rigorously study these
disorders. This T32 will help meet this need by training MD clinical fellows and PhD post-doctoral fellows to
become leaders in the field of clinical outcomes research in female lower urinary tract disorders. Specifically, the
aims of this Washington University School of Medicine T32 Program are to: 1) establish a rigorous recruitment
and selection process to identify the most promising and diverse research-focused MD and PhD fellows; 2)
provide a structured, yet flexible, environment in which trainees receive individualized mentoring and
comprehensive training in female lower urinary tract disorders, research methods, the ethical conduct of
research, and grant-writing; 3) provide financial support and (protected) time to allow trainees to obtain a Master’s
degree in Clinical Investigation or Population Health Sciences, or relevant coursework in clinical outcomes
research; 4) continue and augment a robust existing conference and didactic series in which trainees discuss
current, clinical topics in female urinary tract disorders and research methods relevant to these disorders; 5)
implement a robust professional and career development program tailored to enhance trainees’ transition to
junior faculty status; 6) create a supportive, responsive, and flexible administrative structure to attract and nurture
the most exceptional trainees, particularly women and under-represented minorities; and 7) continually evaluate
and improve the Program in response to trainees’ needs. This Program will accept clinical (MD, MD/PhD) and
post-doctoral PhD fellows for up to three years of research training by a mentoring team composed of at least
one clinical and one methodologic (clinical outcomes) researcher. At least one of the mentors (the primary) will
be a senior researcher or clinician who is established in his/her field, funded, and has an excellent mentorship
track record. The Program structure is designed to foster a trans-disciplinary and collaborative culture, with the
goal that these cooperative relationships will carry into the future. To that end, MD and PhD trainees will be
united at weekly clinical and research conferences and in career and professional development activities.
Fellows will also have the option of matriculating in a Master’s degree program to learn clinical outcomes
research methods, or enhancing their existing skill set with specific graduate level courses. This program will
prepare the next generation of MD and PhD researchers in female lower urinary tract disorders to perform high-
quality clinical outcomes research, bringing much-needed methodologic rigor and a collaborative, trans-
disciplinary approach to the most pressing questions in this field.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Our T32 training program proposes to equip MD clinical fellows and PhD post-doctoral fellows with the
necessary tools (i.e., didactic training, experiential training, career development, and a trans-disciplinary
approach) to perform high-quality clinical outcomes research in female lower urinary tract disorders and to
serve as future leaders in this field. Developing this critical mass of highly-trained academic physician-
scientists and researchers is important to address the many remaining unanswered questions in this field and
to improve the lives of millions of women with bothersome lower urinary tract disorders.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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