Project Number5T32EB014855-13
Former Number5T32EB014855-10
Contact PI/Project LeaderCULVER, JOSEPH P Other PIs
Abstract Text
Project Summary: Revolutionary advances in imaging drive discovery in the biological sciences and
medicine. These advances in imaging sciences depend on innovations in technology throughout the
physical and biological sciences. In recent decades, a number of significant breakthroughs have
underscored the fundamental importance of this interdependent relationship between technology and
biomedical science. One important discovery that culminated in the 2008 Nobel Prize was the work on
fluorescent proteins in the laboratories of Shimomura, Chalfie, Inoue, Tsien and many others. “Live cell
microscopy would have remained in the hands of a small number of skilled cell biologists had not these
groups devised a simple way to use molecular biology to tag vital proteins in living cells. Gene products can
be localized not only structurally, as with antibody technology, but also dynamically within living cells. With
this technology, it is now possible to place virtually any biomolecule in the context of structure and
dynamics; that is, within space and time.”
From the current perspective, where are the frontiers of imaging sciences in the 21st century, and what are
its biggest challenges? Challenges in basic and translational sciences, often define the imaging science
challenges, as illustrated in the following examples. (1) Optogenetic and Chemogenetic techniques have
revolutionized the way brain circuitry is probed, and now enable dissection of complex neuromodulatory
circuits related to reward, aversion and anxiety. Novel Sonogenetic methods are also just now emerging.
Yet these technologies for “writing” information into the brain require advances in imaging to “read” the
responses. (2) Computational imaging has experienced a revolution over the last 5 years with the incredible
growth in machine learning and deep learning techniques. However, as these methods are translated into
clinical applications the challenges in optimizing and validating implementation loom large. (3) Tremendous
progress is anticipated in the area of cell therapy and tissue engineering. Yet, these advanced therapeutics
are asking for advancements in imaging for personalized therapeutic optimization. (4) Major advances in
multimodal imaging technologies have recently been made, most prominently the development of PET/MR
hybrid systems. New hybrid imaging systems that combine PET and optical or photoacoustic imaging, for
example, advance only through solving imaging science challenges.
A new educational and creative paradigm is required to prepare future imaging scientists for solving these
problems. Interdisciplinary teams of engineers, physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians, chemists,
biologists, and physicians working together at the interfaces between biology, technology, and medicine are
needed to collaborate in the development of new imaging technologies and strategies. With these needs
and goals in mind, Washington University created the Imaging Sciences Pathway (ISP).
Public Health Relevance Statement
Biomedical imaging is key to unlocking the secrets of human health and disease, from the level of genes
and proteins, to signaling pathways, to cells and tissues, and whole organisms--and ultimately to visualizing
the effectiveness of therapies in action. The better imaging tools we develop, the greater our ability to treat
disease and improve human health. To this end, the training of interdisciplinary imaging scientists is critical.
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
DUNS Number
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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