Inferring Kinase Activity from Tumor Phosphoproteomic Data
Project Number1U01CA284193-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderNAEGLE, KRISTEN M
Abstract Text
Project Summary
Kinases are fundamentally important enzymes for regulating cell physiology through regulation of proteins and
protein interactions by phosphorylating tyrosine, serine, and threonine residues. Kinase dysregulation is often a
contributor to cancer progression, which is why kinase inhibitors are one of the largest classes of FDA-approved
drugs for oncology. However, many challenges still remain in providing precision-based kinase therapy to pa-
tients, such as failure to respond to therapy and the development of resistance to therapy through diverse means.
This project seeks to advance a promising new approach (called KSTAR) for understanding kinase dysregulation
in cancer by inferring the activity of kinases in tumor biopsies, based on their phosphoproteomic profiles. KSTAR
is a first-in class algorithm that can operate on any type of phosphoproteomic data, not requiring paired quantita-
tive comparison tissues, and is significantly more robust than other available approaches. KSTAR was shown to
compliment clinical standard of care by identifying failure to respond to therapy and misclassification of patients
as HER2-positive or negative, which departed from HER2-activity. Working with collaborators across a range of
solid cancers, we seek to further KSTAR's ability to help researchers and clinicians better match kinase inhibitor
therapies, based on patient molecular kinase activity profiles. Key algorithmic improvements will be performed,
such as: expansion of the approach to cover all human kinases, deconvolution of signaling from immune and
stroma components of a solid tumor biopsies, and increasing speed. This work will advance and harden dissem-
ination of KSTAR across a variety of platforms that will allow maximum flexibility for other programmers, but also
web-based interfaces that require no programming to interact with patient and cell kinase profiles.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
This project seeks to accelerate the identification of patient-specific therapeutic targets by harnessing new mea-
surement techniques from tissue biopsies.
NIH Spending Category
Project Terms
AccelerationAlgorithmsAreaBiopsyBrainBreastCancer ModelCell physiologyCellsClinicClinicalCommunitiesComplementDataData SetDevelopmentERBB2 geneEnzymesEvaluationFDA approvedFailureFeedbackFundingGeneticGoalsGraphHER2 inhibitionHourHumanImmune signalingImmunotherapyInternetLungMalignant NeoplasmsMeasurementMemoryMethodsMolecularMusOncologyPatientsPharmaceutical PreparationsPhenotypePhosphorylation SitePhosphotransferasesPhysiologicalPost-Translational Protein ProcessingPre-Clinical ModelProstateProteinsProteomicsRegulationResearchResearch PersonnelResistance developmentResourcesSerineSignal TransductionSolidSolid NeoplasmSpeedTechniquesTestingThreonineTissuesTranslationsTyrosine PhosphorylationVisualizationWorkdrug developmentexperienceexperimental studyflexibilityimmune cell infiltrateimprovedinhibitor therapykinase inhibitormalignant breast neoplasmnovel strategiespatient responsephosphoproteomicsprecision medicineresponsestandard of carestatisticstherapeutic targettherapy resistanttreatment responsetumortumor progressionusabilityweb based interface
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