Investigating Afferent Baroreflex Dysfunction in Hypertension
Project Number1K99HL175100-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderEL SAAFIEN, KHALID
Abstract Text
Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of mortality globally. Despite
major milestones in understanding the pathophysiology of the disease, 20% of patients suffer from drug-resistant
hypertension where blood pressure is uncontrollable despite the use of 3-4 medications. Patients with resistant
hypertension often exhibit increased sympathetic nerve activity, suggesting the disease may have neural origins.
The homeostatic baroreflex is a neural reflex capable of sensing elevations in blood pressure and reducing
sympathetic nerve activity to restore blood pressure back to optimal levels. Classically, the baroreflex has not
been thought to play a role in the development of hypertension and is rather thought to play a role in short-term
blood pressure regulation. This is due to earlier studies that utilized animal models where nerves innervating the
aortic arch and the carotid sinus were ablated, to investigate whether arterial baroreceptor ablation leads to
hypertension. A major issue with these studies is the fact that the carotid sinus contains both the inhibitory arterial
baroreceptors and excitatory chemoreceptors. Thus, there is a need to develop novel approaches that selectively
target arterial baroreceptors. To this end, I have developed a novel approach to selectively target sensory
neurons innervating the aortic arch in mice. My preliminary studies suggest that, contrary to common belief,
arterial baroreceptors express more than the classical mechanosensitive ion channels. This includes transient
receptor potential and epithelia sodium channels. Thus, I hypothesize that arterial baroreceptors utilize a
combination of gene products to transduce the stretch exerted on the aortic arch into action potentials
that trigger reflex reductions in blood pressure. I further hypothesize that chronic elevations in blood
pressure disrupts the expression of these gene products to alter the relationship between vascular
stretch, neuronal firing, and perfusion pressure. During the K99 phase, I will pursue two aims that require
training in the appropriate cellular approaches to interrogate the first hypothesis. This will be done by utilizing
single nucleotide RNA sequencing in Aim 1 to unravel the genetic identity of arterial baroreceptors. Aim 2 will
link gene product expression to neuronal discharge during baroreception using in vivo multiphoton calcium
imaging. During the R00 phase, I will combine the acquired cellular approaches with my existing integrative
approaches to investigate the role arterial baroreceptors play in the development of renovascular hypertension.
Collectively, the proposed studies will lead to novel fundamental understanding of whether the baroreflex is
implicated in hypertension, which may represent a novel target for the development of anti-hypertensive
therapeutics. In addition, strong mentorship by Drs. Eric Krause and Annette de Kloet, as well as a Mentoring
Committee comprised of experts in the proposed techniques; will provide conceptual and methodological
training, to achieve the research goals and prepare me to establish an independent research program.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Classically, the role that the homeostatic baroreflex plays in the development of cardiovascular disease has been
questionable, due to the lack of tools that selectively target arterial baroreceptors. We have developed a novel
approach to selectively target arterial baroreceptors that innervate the aortic arch. Our goal is to utilize this
approach to revisit the role that the baroreflex plays in the development of hypertension.
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