Neuroscience, Immunology, Social Adversity and the Roots of Addictive Behaviors: Toward a New Framework for Drug Use Etiology and Prevention
Project Number5P50DA051361-04
Contact PI/Project LeaderBEACH, STEVEN R
Abstract Text
The Center for Translational and Prevention Science (CTAPS; P20 MH068666, P30 DA027827) has been
funded continuously since 2003 to advance next-generation basic and preventive investigations of risk,
resilience, and drug use among African American young people living in resource poor communities in the
southeastern US. CTAPS has pioneered research demonstrating how exposures to economic and social
adversity promote drug use through their effects on neurobiological and peripheral systems. Of particular
importance, research sponsored by CTAPS also has demonstrated the promise of family-centered drug use
prevention programming in shielding young people from these neurobiological risks. At present, transformative
progress in the prevention of addictive behavior among populations exposed to chronic stress has been
hampered significantly by the lack of (a) integrative theoretical frameworks that generate hypotheses regarding
the risk and resilience mechanisms that connect social adversity to addictive behavior and cardiometabolic risk,
(b) infrastructures that can collect model driven data on multiple neurocognitive, peripheral biological, and
behavioral systems associated with chronic stress, and (c) transdisciplinary teams that can integrate these data
into the design and evaluation of prevention programs. The theoretical framework of the proposed P50
Research Center of Excellence is a next generation, neuroimmune network (NIN) model that CTAPS scientists
developed to better describe the ways in which exposure to social adversity predispose young people to the
onset and escalation of diverse forms of addictive behaviors. The NIN model specifies stress-induced
alterations in the transactions between peripheral inflammation and neurocognitive systems that subserve
emotion regulation in the development of addictive behavior vulnerability. As a P50 Center, we propose to build
on and expand CTAPS’ pioneering work on (a) the biological and neurocognitive contributors to addictive
behaviors that drive many drug use and health disparities African Americans’ experience and (b) the potential
of family-centered prevention programming to ameliorate the influence of growing up in chronically stressful
contexts. We will leverage an established team of investigators from diverse disciplines and an established
infrastructure for testing transdisciplinary hypotheses. This infrastructure includes efficient, established
pipelines connecting P50 research project (RP) and pilot study investigators to intellectual resources, wet labs,
a state-of-the-science imaging facility, and a world class platform for processing imaging data. We will
implement three innovative, thematically integrated RPs. RPs, innovative pilot projects, an expanded national
resource system, and investigator development activities will be supported through our infrastructure system
composed of a Research Support Core, an Administrative Core, and a Pilot Core. CTAPS activities will have
wide-reaching implications for research, practice, and prevention concerning drug use and cardiometabolic risk
in low-income and ethnic minority communities.
Public Health Relevance Statement
OVERALL CENTER: Project Narrative
The proposed P50 application is designed to transform scientific understanding regarding the causes and
prevention of addictive behaviors by investigating neuroimmune mechanisms that, in concert with family and
contextual factors, affect risk for drug use and abuse. Findings will have far-reaching implications for research,
practice, and prevention of drug use in communities across the nation.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Addictive BehaviorAdolescenceAffectAfrican AmericanAfrican American populationBehaviorBehavioralBiologicalBuffersCenters of Research ExcellenceChildhoodChronicChronic stressCommunitiesConsultationsConsumptionDataDevelopmentDisciplineDrug abuseDrug usageEatingEconomicsEducationEmotionsEtiologyExposure toFamilyFatty acid glycerol estersFoodFosteringFundingGenerationsGenetic Complementation TestImmuneImmunologyInflammationInfrastructureInterventionInvestigationLow incomeMentorsModelingNational Institute of Drug AbuseNeurobiologyNeurocognitiveNeuroimmuneNeuroimmunomodulationNeurosciencesParticipantPeripheralPersonsPhysiologicalPilot ProjectsPopulationPovertyPreventionPrevention programPreventiveProcessProviderRegulationResearchResearch PersonnelResearch Project GrantsResearch SupportResource-limited settingResourcesRiskScienceScientistSkinSpecific qualifier valueStressSystemTestingTrainingUnderrepresented PopulationsUnited States National Institutes of HealthWorkYouthcardiometabolic riskcareercaregivingcontextual factorsdata integrationdata-driven modeldesigndrug abuse preventiondrug use vulnerabilityemotion regulationethnic minorityevidence baseexperiencehealth disparityimage processingimaging facilitiesinnovationmemberminority communitiesnetwork modelsneural circuitnext generationprevention evaluationprogramsresiliencesocial adversitysocial influencesugarsupportive environmenttheoriestool
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