The UW ADRC's driving scientific focus is investigating the biological heterogeneity of ADRD – the mechanistic
and biological underpinnings of the pathophysiology of disease as well as the factors countering degeneration
and dementia. Our Center was one of the first to recognize etiologic heterogeneity in Alzheimer's disease2 and
this focus is still urgently needed. New technologies and paradigms have emerged to analyze biological
mechanisms of ADRD, and require well characterized human subjects and well-curated biospecimens.
The proposed organizing framework for our core research resources is multi-disciplinary ADRD
phenotyping. The four key disciplines to integrate are genetic, cognitive, topographic/anatomic, and
neuropathologic. In this framework, the brain space is the point of integration of the other biomarkers of AD, as
the magnitude and location of the different pathologies are the most tangible and objective manifestation of the
outcome of different pathophysiological pathways. Thus a key aspect of our work will include integrating
biomarkers extended over the cerebral cortex, as derived from imaging and neuropathology, with fluid
biomarkers, cognitive and genetic information. An important goal is to support better stratification of AD
phenotypes to advance investigation of candidate AD mechanisms.
The UW ADRC is uniquely poised to undertake this work, which incorporates the historical strengths of
the Center and research resources of the UW, leverages the collective expertise of the Core Leads and the
Director, and benefits from new technical abilities that enable us to implement this program. New components
are being proposed to bring expertise dedicated to bridging disciplines by innovations in techniques, methods,
and informatics. These include Stem Cell and Precision -omics components in the Precision Neuropathology
Core, Psychometrics component in the Clinical Core, Informatics expertise in the new Imaging and Biomarker
Core and an Open Neuroscience workshop in the Research Education Component.
Our Center's philosophy is to view ADRD not only through the lens of what is lost, but also through
what is spared, and the associated retained strengths. This perspective permeates our Center, from motivating
our interest in the biological and mechanistic basis of resilience and anatomic sparing, to the outreach efforts
of the ADRC and its associated Memory and Brain Wellness Center.
Another important theme of our Center is ADRD in American Indians and Alaska Natives. Building on
our successful efforts in the last 5 years, we plan to extend our outreach efforts to Native tribes and
organizations in Washington State, to improve their readiness for ADRD research, and to make a focused
effort to understand and develop models to overcome the barriers to biospecimen collection and data sharing
in this population.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) are one of the most important medical problems of our
time. The University of Washington Alzheimer's Disease Research Center is dedicated to understanding the
different disease processes underlying dementia and resistance to dementia. It supports a wide variety of
research studies of ADRD from the perspectives of genetics, cognition, imaging, and neuropathology.
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