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This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. The institution listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. Castleton State College (CSC) Highlights ¿ VGN Grant Awards 1 Project Grant Awarded - Dain LaRoche, PhD ¿ November 2005 CSC adds a new faculty line in Molecular Biology and Microbiology. ¿ January 2006 CSC constructs a research laboratory for VGN funded scientist Lara Carlson. ¿ January 2006 Microarray outreach teaches a workshop at CSC to students and faculty. ¿ February 2006 CSC announces a major construction project for the sciences including a research laboratory funded by VGN. ¿ March 2006 CSC students and faculty visit the microarray facility at UVM. ¿ March 2006 CSC hires a new microbiologist to increase molecular biology teaching and research capability. ¿ April 2006 CSC announces completion of fund raising for a 2.5 million dollar construction project for science and mathematics. Construction to start in October 2006. ¿ April 2006 CSC students attend a career day hosted by VGN. ------------------------------ Science Highlights Johnson State College September 2005-June 2006 ¿ The Microarray Outreach module is currently being carried out in the upper level genetics course. o This was highlighted in an article on Tuesday, March 28 in the Burlington Free Press. ¿ An article on the VGN was published in the Basement Medicine, the JSC student newspaper on the VGN (I need to look up the issue.) ¿ JSC is hosting its annual student research day on Wednesday, April 26, 2006. ¿ A VGN hosted career panel presentation is scheduled for Monday, April 10, 2006. ¿ TV station, WCAX spotlighted Professor Dain La Roche¿s VGN-funded research project. ¿ Architectural and engineering plans for VGN- and JSC- funded renovations of a suite of chemistry labs have been submitted to NIH for approval. ¿ VGN student research awards: 2005/06 ¿ Melanie Luccier and Sarah Venzel; summer 2006 ¿ Stephen Roy. ------------------------------ Middlebury College Highlights VGN Grant Awards 4 Project Grants Awarded - Sunhee Choi, PhD - Robert Cluss, PhD - Jeremy Ward, PhD 2 Pilot Project Grants Awarded - Matthew Kimble, PhD - Michelle McCauley, PhD 5 Student Academic Year Grants Awarded - Jennifer Higgins - Aaron Kraut - Suzanne Nagi - Stephanie Pritchard - Adam Swick - Suzanne Nagi had a poster (based on her VGN-sponsored research on ¿Latitudinal gradients in population genetic structure in black spruce¿) accepted for presentation at the Western Forest Genetics Association annual meeting in Anchorage, Alaska in late June. (Andi Lloyd). - Professor Catherine Combelles has been invited (and accepted a three-year position) to be an Associate Editor for the journal Human Reproduction. - The Chemistry Department received a grant from the Major Research Instrumentation program of the NSF last year for an LC/MS. (Ryan Gamble) and (Roger Sandwick) are going to present some of our results at an International Carbohydrate Symposium (ICS) in Whistler, BC this summer. - C. Watters was a co-Vice-Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science and Education, 3-8 July, at Oxford University. He organized two preConference Workshops (on Evaluating Visualizations and Visualization Tools) and one Plenary Session on Visualizing Biological Complexity, and he presented a poster with David Guertin (LIS) and two undergraduates (D. Conache and D. Koparov) on Visualizing the Structure and Function of Integral Membrane Proteins. - Invited Talk: Cluss, R. G. 2005. Invited Seminar. Extracellular Protein Secretion by Borrelia burgdorferi. University of Massachusetts Medical School, Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology. Worcester, MA. April 7 2005. Publications - Rolerson, E., N. Langer, J. Shaw, A Watson, J. Bond, and G. Spatafora. 2006. Identifying Streptococcus mutans manganese-responsive genes that contribute to virulence. Abstract #0846. Journal of Dental Research, Vol.85, Special Issue A. - Palmer, C.D. and G. Spatafora. 2006. The SloR metalloregulator modulates expression of a Streptococcus mutans antibiotic locus. 106th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Abstract #3355. - Rolerson, E., A. Swick, L. Newlon, C. Palmer, and G. Spatafora. 2006. Modulation of Streptococcus mutans metal ion uptake, biofilm formation, and genetic competence by the SloR metalloregulator is mediated via quorum sensing. 106th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Abstract #3314. - Powell, W.F., E. Rolerson, C. Palmer and G. Spatafora. The GcrR/TarC response regulator contributes to S. mutans acid tolerance and is subject to SloR metalloregulation. 2006. Abstract #253. Submitted for presentation at the ASM conference on Streptococcal Genetics meetings, Saint Malo, France. - Newlon, L., E. Rolerson, C. Palmer, S. Swank and G. Spatafora. 2006. Streptococcus mutans mediators of sucrose-independent [P1] and ¿dependent [GbpD] adherence are subject to SloR metalloregulation. Abstract #254. Submitted for presentation at the ASM conference on Streptococcal Genetics meetings, Saint Malo, France. - Szela, C. T., Crowell, T. F., Dovey, C. M., Reljanovic, S. M., Gardner, B. M., and R. G. Cluss. 2006. Identification and Characterization of Borrelia burgdorferi Exoproteins. 106th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Abstract D-218. - Larrabee*, James A., Chin Hin Leung, Rhonda L. Moore, Thun Thamrong-nawasawat, and Benjamin S. H. Wessler. 2005. Magnetic Circular Dichroism and Cobalt(II) Binding Equilibrium Studies of Escherichia coli Methionyl Aminopeptidase. ACS Meetings, December. -Larrabee, J. A.; *Leung, C-H.; *Moore, R. L.; *Thamrong-nawasawat, T.; *Wessler, B.S. H. ¿MCD and Co(II) Binding Equilibrium Studies of E. coli Methionyl Aminopeptidase¿ Pacifichem 2005, Honolulu, HI, December 2005, Abstract BIOL 0256 -Larrabee, J. A.; *Leung, C-H.; *Moore, R. L.; *Thamrong-nawasawat, T.; *Wessler, B.S. H. ¿MCD and Co(II) Binding Equilibrium Studies of E. coli Methionyl Aminopeptidase¿ ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2005, Abstract INOR 521. ------------------------------ Norwich University VGN Core Highlights 2005-2006: Workshop by UVM Microarray outreach group presented which involved both students and faculty Norwich faculty and students who participated in the microarray workshop made two trips to UVM to tour the microarray and the bioinformatics facilities and analyze the gene chip data obtained during the microarray workshop Karen Hinkle and Alison Fisher attended the VGN-sponsored National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Workshop at the University of Vermont, November 15-16, 2005. Presented a Careers In Science Panel Discussion where participants talked about their career paths and imparted current information to give students at greater chance of success in their career path. February 2, 2006 Worked to resolve issues concerning the architectural plan for the new dedicated research laboratory. Associate Provost, Dr. Joseph Byrne and Dr. Edward Carney attended the press conference where Senator Patrick Leahy announcing the awarding of the 5 year INBRE Grant, March 6, 2006 at the University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont. Dr. Edward Carney met with Jeffrey Bond of the Bioinformatics Core and discussed the development of an experts resource list and how to better target the dissemination of professional information to colleagues. Submitted 5 faculty grants to Vermont Genetics Network. Two of the grants were renewals. Four of the five grants were funded. Provided student with paid research experience on VGN funded Norwich faculty research grants Submitted one student grant to VGN. Developing a plan to establish an animal facility at Norwich University that will be in compliance with NIH guidelines. Worked with Dr. Janet Murray, VGN Outreach Coordinator to continue the Microarry Outreach Program and plan for future workshops in proteomics and bioinformatics. Facilitated an internship experience at UVM for one of the Norwich students who took part in the microarray workshop. The mentors at UVM will be Dr. David Kerr of the Animal Science Department and Jeffery Bond of the Bioinformatics Core. DNA Analysis Core Facility team at UVM. Karen Hinkle developed a collaborative research relationships with the Newspaper article that appeared in two newspapers that highlighted the microarray workshop at Norwich Faculty and students attended the Vermont Genetics Network 4th Annual Retreat, August 17, 2005 in Burlington Vermont and were presenters at the poster session. Karen Hinkle presented a lecture on her VGN research titled "Clues to the Timing of Early Gastric Acid Secretion in the Mouse: A Gene Expression Study" to the University community on April 6, 2006. Faculty attended Vermont Genetics Network(VGN) Winter Retreat in Burlington,. Vermont January 19, 2006. Alison Fisher presented a talk on her VGN-funded research entitled ¿Do Pharbitis nil ¿Violet¿ plants utilize novel volatile signals to initiate flowering in response to photoperiod?¿ at the Research Fellowship Symposium at Norwich University, February 27, 2006. Alison Fisher presented a talk on her VGN-funded research entitled ¿Volatile Signaling Molecules and Flowering in Pharbitis nil¿ for the Marvin Lecture Series of the University of Vermont¿s Department of Botany and Agricultural Biochemistry, March 2, 2006. The following published abstract resulted from Alison Fisher¿s VGN-funded research. Davenport*, C.A., Waterhouse*, H.B., and Fisher, A.J. Volatile signaling molecules and photoperiodic flowering in Pharbitis nil ¿Violet¿. Proceedings of the 231st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlanta, GA, March 26-30, 2006. Karen Hinkle presented a poster titled, ¿Embryonic Expression of the Gastric Acid Regulators Aqp4, Nhe4 and Clca3 in the Mouse¿ at the Annual Meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, San Francisco, CA, April 1-5, 2006. Faculty and students attended Vermont Genetics Network Undergraduate Student Career Day in Burlington Vermont on April 12, 2006. ------------------------------ Highlights - Saint Michael¿s College VGN Grant Awards 5 Project Grants Awarded -Joanna Ellis-Monaghan, PhD -Bret Findley, PhD -Mark Lubkowitz, PhD -Declan McCabe, PhD -Kathleen Mondanaro, PhD 3 Students Academic Year Grants Awarded -Rebecca Drapp -Michelle Miaskiewicz -Jessica Mollmark ¿ The VGN press conference was held on March 6, 2006 and President Marc A. vanderHeyden, three faculty members and two staff members. ¿ Saint Michael¿s College hosted a VGN panel presentation at Saint Michael¿s College on March 8, 2006. Individual Research Highlights ¿ Joanna Ellis Monaghan Published 1. J. Ellis-Monaghan, P. Gutwin, J. Lewis, G. Pangborn, ¿Principles of force directed floorplanning,¿ Congressus Numerantium, 175 (2005), 81-96. Accepted 2. G. Ashline, J. Ellis-Monaghan, ¿How high? How fast? How long? Modeling water rocket flights with calculus,¿ in press, PRIMUS. 3. J. Ellis-Monaghan, D. Pike, Y. Zou, ¿Decycling of Fibonacci cubes,¿ in press, The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 4. J. Ellis-Monaghan, L. Traldi, ¿Parametrized Tutte polynomials of graphs and matroids,¿ in press, Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing. Manuscript G. Ashline, J. Ellis-Monaghan, ¿Financing your dream home,¿ submitted by invitation to MAA Notes Series, Demos and Project: Tools for the Student-Centered Classroom Pattern Matching in Rectilinear Designs (with J. Cohn, D. Nardi, and R. Snapp). Workshops VGN-EPSCoR grant-writing workshop, Saint Michael¿s College, 6/3/05. VGN-EPSCoR Retreat 8/17/05. Presentations: nstant Insanity and Sprouts,¿ invited speaker, Burlington Middle School, Math Horizons Program for Vermont Schools, March 2006. ¿Network Applications for Math Enrichment,¿ invited speaker, Essex Highschool In-service workshop, March 2006. ¿Pendant Duplicate Graphs and the Interlace Polynomial,¿ Thirty-Seventh Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Boca Raton , March 2006. ¿Networks in the modern world: from the Kevin Bacon game to biomolecular computing and beyond,¿ invited speaker, Elderhostle Elder Enrichment Program, Burlington, VT, December 2005. Refereeing: Reviewed two papers for Mathematical Reviews, perhaps the single most important research tool in the field. Refereed one paper for Discrete Mathematics. Ongoing Industry Collaborations: Netlist Partitions: seeking tools from graph theory and geometric combinatorics to find a wiring layout on a chip within the space and timing parameters of the design, with P. Gutwin and B. Mozumder (Cadence), Greta Pangborn (SMC CS Department), Alice Dean (Skidmore College), Spring 2002¿present. Geometric Pattern Recognition: using a graph-theoretical approach to find and implement an algorithm for identifying specific small structures on a large chip layout, with J. Cohn (IBM), R. Snapp (UVM), and Dan Nardi (UVM), Fall 2001¿Summer 2005. Software Development: Developed a Java program for addressing various micro-electronics industry computer chip-layout problems such as floorplanning and automating small problematic configurations. Joint work with P. Gutwin, J. Lewis and G. Pangborn. Curriculum Development: MA 211 (Calculus III): Developed new applied Maple Labs and better integration of Maple tools into the curriculum. Designed and implemented a shell morphology research project as the integrated synthesis of course concepts. MA 109 (Calculus I): Developed new applied Maple Labs and better integration of Maple tools into the curriculum. Designed and implemented a fractals research project, including applications of chaos in areas ranging from economics to population dynamics. Further refined and adapted web-based resources for a more successful classroom technology integration. Student Presentations: Vermont Genetics Network Student Career Day Mary Cox, ¿Alpha-regular stick numbers for carbon complex knots,¿ Spring, 2006. Jessica Scheld, ¿DNA sequencing and Eulerian circuits,¿ Spring, 2006. Sarah Walker, ¿DNA nanotechnology,¿ Spring, 2006. Vermont Genetics Network Summer Workshop Mary Cox, ¿Knots and stuck unknots in hydrocarbon chains,¿ Summer 2005. Marisa Debowsky, ¿Biomolecular computing and topological graph theory,¿ Summer 2005. Jessica Scheld, ¿DNA sequencing and Eulerian circuits,¿ Summer 2005. ¿ Bret Findley Brief Research Project Updates Project 1: Long Distance Absorption in the Charge Transfer Band of Electron-Donor-Acceptor Complexes. We are now using a new technique, and this past summer Ian Stanton and I made very significant progress. I am happy to report that we now have a very nice set of data. The newly procured Olis Cary-14 spectrophotometer has been instrumental in our progress. Status: I plan to submit this work to the Journal of Physical Chemistry A in the next few years. Research Space Procurement This year I also obtained roughly $15,500 for the renovation of my research lab from the Vermont Genetics Network. These funds have paid for some construction, extra cabinetry, window shades, extra electrical outlets and a laser table. This renovation started at the beginning of August 2005 and was completed by the end of the fall semester. Equipment Procurement I have purchased several pieces of equipment for my research with my grant money. This equipment includes two temperature controlled water baths (approximately $5,000), a laser table ($5,440), a pulsed nitrogen laser with a 4 nanosecond pulse width ($4,710), a dye laser ($3,375), various tools, metal tool cabinetry, electrical cables, a fast oscilloscope ($20,375), two J4-09 Molectron detectors ($3,276), laser table posts and stands, and optical equipment such as lenses and filters. ¿ Declan McCabe Used UVM DNA sequencing facility to identify genetic differences in mussels from Lake Champlain and then Winooski River as described in the poster his student presented at the career night last week. Four of his research students are being inducted into Sigma Xi. ¿ Mark Lubkowitz Publications: Lubkowitz, M.A. (2006). The OPT family functions in long distance peptide and metal transport in plants. In Genetic Engineering: principles and methods, volume 27, 35-55. ed J. Setlow (Springer). Invited talks Florida State, Biology Dept .February 2006. Title: Peptide transport: the unknown player in seed germination? Norwich College Februay 2006. Title: Peptide transporters: an unknown player in seed formation? Meeting presentations: The 48th Annual Maize Meeting, Acillamor CA, March, 2006. Members of the Oligopeptide Transporter family function during germination in American Society of Plant Biologists, Seattle, WA, August 2005 Oligopeptide transporters are expressed during germination in rice ¿ Kathleen Mondanaro Established research collaboration with Prof. Tom Hughes at UVM
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