Buildingnext-generationsequencing (NGS) capacity for OneHealthand antimicrobialstewardshipprojectsAnon-goingcasestudy of multidrug-resistant Salmonella in zoomammals
Project Number1U18FD008355-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderSTENGER, BRIANNA
Abstract Text
The overall goal of this project is to build next-generationsequencing (NGS) capacity
that will support OneHealthand antimicrobialstewardship. Currently, the NDSU VDL along
with multiple partners representing North Dakota zoos, humanhealth lab, CDC, FDA, Vet-LIRN,
NVSL, and USDA are investigating a multidrug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella serovar Newport in
zoomammals that clusters with a known human pathogenic strain, REPJJP01, making it a OneHealth issue. Implementation of the MIRO CANVAS would allow the NDSU VDL to more rapidly
and cost effectively prepare NGS libraries for sequencing rather than waiting to batch samples.
Additionally, the MIRO CANVAS coupled with a laptop, small sequencer, portable power supply,
pipettes, minimal supplies, and small cooler bag could provide a SLAB, or Sequencing Lab-in-
A-Bag, that could be extremely versatile and deployable in the field or point-of-care site. A
zoological facility has agreed to help in the proof-of-concept of the SLAB. This equipment
proposal has two specific aims. 1) Purchase and implement a MIRO CANVAS digital
microfluidics platform for walk-away next-generationsequencing (NGS) library preparation to
sequence bacterial and viral pathogens, especially Salmonella isolates. 2) Prepare a portable
sequencing lab-in-a-bag or “SLAB” that can be deployed to the field or point-of-care site to
detect and identify potential pathogens relatively rapidly and on-site.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The equipment from this project will enhance the NDSU VDL’s next-generationsequencing
(NGS) capacity to support OneHealthand antimicrobialstewardship by implementing an easy
to use, low-throughput digital microfluidics NGS library preparation system (MIRO CANVAS)
that can be deployed outside the laboratory with a ‘portable’ sequencer and minimal equipment
for pathogen detection, discovery, and identification. Due to the time and costs associated with
NGS, it is not uncommon to save and batch samples for sequencing to justify the time and
consumable costs; however, this is not ideal when timing is important for treatment of a sick
animal or in the case of emerging pathogens or outbreaks. The walk-away use, low-throughput
capacity, and portability make the MIRO CANVAS a very useful tool that will allow the NDSU
VDL to quickly prepare and sequence pathogens of OneHealth importance such as Salmonella
in addition to other pathogens and zoonoses that may also enhance antimicrobialstewardship
through detection and monitoring of antimicrobial resistance genes.
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