Adaptation and assessment of a common element treatment protocol designed to improve mental health in forcibly displaced populations
Project Number5K23MH127308-03
Former Number1K23MH127308-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderCARROLL, HALEY
Abstract Text
With support from my primary mentor Dr. Borba, my co-mentors Drs. Freier, Dorsey, and Gelaye, and my
collaborator Dr. Bird, I propose a comprehensive interdisciplinary research and training plan focused on
developing my expertise in clinical intervention research and qualitative assessment of cross cultural
adaptations of mental health treatments for people who have migrated due to forced displacement. The
proposed study investigates the potential avenues of treatment for mental health disorders that arise due to
forced displacement in people from Venezuela who have migrated to Peru. My research program goal is to be
an independent researcher and examine mental health treatment for the purpose of understanding treatment
seeking and retention for mental disorders in stigmatized and marginalized populations, such as forcibly
displaced peoples. Preliminary findings from Venezuelans who have migrated into Peru due to the recent
Venezuelan exodus suggest that there are risk factors for mental health particular to the migration journey
context. Thus, this proposal utilizes qualitative methods to examine, and subsequently target, context specific
migration factors that facilitate treatment seeking and retention for forcibly displaced populations in Peru with
mental disorders. Framed within implementation science this proposal will include in person interviews with
people who have been forcibly displaced from Venezuela and migrated into Peru. These interviews will be
leveraged to adapt the Common Elements Treatment Approach, a transdiagnostic intervention, for the unique
challenges of forced displacement. In collaboration with my mentors, I have developed a comprehensive
training plan that will prepare me with the requisite skill set for a research career in global mental health. My
training and career development goals are to cultivate skills in: (1) qualitative methods, (2) cross cultural
adaptations of mental health treatments, and (3) analysis of clinical interventions. These skills will allow me to
become an independent scientist focused on global mental health.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The relationship between migration and mental health is complex given the heterogeneous and context
specific nature of migration and, generally speaking, forcibly displaced populations are at increased risk for
developing mental health disorders. Yet, despite the recent Venezuelan forced displacement being the
greatest diaspora in the recorded history of Latin America, little is known about the mental health effects and
potential treatment targets for this at risk, stigmatized, and underserved population. In order to address a
significant lack of mental health care seeking and retention in this population, the current multi-disciplinary
study proposes a comprehensive examination of factors that serve as facilitators and barriers to mental health
treatment seeking and treatment retention in forcibly displaced populations, which will then be leveraged to
adapt and pilot an evidence-based treatment approach to increase retention of Venezuelan migrants in care.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAffectAftercareAnxietyAreaAttitudeBehavior TherapyBeliefBirdsCOVID-19CaringCharacteristicsChild CareClientClinicalClinical ManagementCollaborationsCommunitiesComplexConflict (Psychology)CrimeDiagnosticElementsEnabling FactorsEnvironmentEvidence based treatmentFocus GroupsFreedomGoalsHealth systemInfluentialsInterdisciplinary StudyInternational MigrationsInterventionIntervention StudiesIntervention TrialInterviewKnowledgeLabelLanguageLatin AmericaLifeMental DepressionMental HealthMental Health AssociationsMental Health ServicesMental disordersMentorsMentorshipMigrantModelingNational Institute of Mental HealthNatureOutcomePerceptionPersonsPeruPoliticsPopulationPopulation GrowthPost-Traumatic Stress DisordersPovertyPredisposing FactorPrevalenceProblem SolvingProfessional counselorProtocols documentationProviderPublic HealthQualitative MethodsQualitative ResearchRandomizedRecording of previous eventsReinforcing FactorResearchResearch PersonnelResearch SupportRiskRisk FactorsScientistServicesSocial supportStigmatizationSupervisionTarget PopulationsTestingThinkingTrainingTraining ActivityTreatment ProtocolsUnderserved PopulationVenezuelaVenezuelanWaiting ListsWorkburden of illnesscare seekingcareercareer developmentclimate changedesigndisplaced personexperiencefollow-upfood shortagehelp-seeking behaviorimplementation scienceimprovedinformation gatheringmarginalized populationmembermigrationmultidisciplinarypilot trialprogramspsychoeducationrecruitskillssocial stigma
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