Abstract Text
ABSTRACT. Dental care utilization is a critical component of oral health and overall health over the lifespan.
However, nearly 2 in 5 American adults have not had a dental care visit in the past year. Interpersonal
violence—including firearm violence—is a serious public health issue in the United States that impacts millions
of Americans' lives and directly impacts health and the utilization of health care services. While prior research
finds that specific forms of violence exposure, including certain adverse childhood experiences and intimate
partner violence, are associated with lower dental care utilization and greater unmet dental needs, there is
limited research on the role of exposure to community violence and dental care utilization. Moreover, research
on violence and dental care is limited by exclusively using cross-sectional data and, therefore, cannot observe
patterns of violence and dental care utilization over time and throughout life course stages. The proposed
study fills these gaps and provides the first comprehensive investigation into the relationship between violence
exposure and dental care utilization from multiple perspectives, including individual experiences with violence,
vicarious community violence exposure, and ecological research on community firearm violence and dental
care utilization rates. We use three rich longitudinal data sources that measure violence and dental care
utilization in the United States: (1) the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health; N
= 7,295)—an ongoing, nationally representative longitudinal study of persons in the United States followed
over 25 years (ages 12-44) which includes data on violent victimization, and dental care utilization, (2) the
Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Study (FFCWS; N = 3,000)—an ongoing longitudinal study of children
born in large US cities (population over 200,000) followed from birth to age 22, which includes comprehensive
measures of vicarious community violence exposure and dental care, and (3) the Neighborhood Gun Violence
and Health in 100 Cities (NGVH-100; N = 15,882)—a novel dataset from 15,882 urban census tracts in the
United States from 2014-2021 measuring every incident of fatal and nonfatal firearm shootings and rates of
dental care utilization. This study has three aims. Aim 1 will use the Add Health data to determine the
relationship between personal violent victimization and dental care utilization from adolescence to adulthood
(ages 12-44), including variations by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status (SES). Aim 2 will use the
FFCWS data to determine the relationship between vicarious community violence exposure and dental care
utilization from childhood to emerging adulthood (ages 5-22), including race/ethnicity and SES variations. Aim
3 will use the NGVH-100 data to determine the relationship between exposure to fatal and nonfatal firearm
violence and dental care utilization rates in urban census tracts, including race/ethnicity and SES variations.
The findings from this study can facilitate novel translational research and inform the development of violence
reduction interventions in real-world dental care settings.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Public Health Relevance Statement. Violence is a serious public health problem in the United States that
directly or vicariously impacts the lives of millions of Americans. Violence exposure has significant
consequences for health and healthcare utilization, yet research overlooks the effects of exposure to
community-based violence on dental care utilization. We use data from three national longitudinal datasets to
pioneer research on exposure to community violence and dental care utilization over the lifespan: (1) the
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, (2) the Future of Families and Child Wellbeing
Study, and (3) Neighborhood Gun Violence and Health in 100 Cities Study.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AdolescenceAdolescentAdultAgeAmericanApplications GrantsBehaviorBirthCause of DeathCensusesChildChild WelfareChildhoodCitiesCommunitiesCommunity HealthcareDataData SetData SourcesDentalDental CareDentistryDevelopmentEnvironmentEthnic OriginExposure toFacilities and Administrative CostsFamilyFinancial costFirearmsFoundationsFundingFutureGun injuryHealthHearingHumanIndividualInterpersonal ViolenceInterventionInvestigationKnowledgeLife Cycle StagesLiteratureLongitudinal StudiesMaintenanceMeasuresMinority GroupsNational Institute of Dental and Craniofacial ResearchNational Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent to Adult HealthNeighborhoodsOral healthPainPatternPersonal SatisfactionPersonsPopulationPreventionPublic HealthQualifyingQuality of lifeR24RaceRacial SegregationReduce health disparitiesResearchRiskRoleScienceShapesSocioeconomic StatusSourceTimeTranslational ResearchTraumaUnited StatesVariantVictimizationViolenceVisitadverse childhood eventsbehavioral and social sciencecare systemscommunity violencecostemerging adulthoodethnic minorityexperiencegun violencehealth care servicehealth care service utilizationhealth datahealth disparityimprovedintimate partner violencelife spanlongitudinal datasetlow socioeconomic statusnovelpublic health relevanceracial minoritysocialsocial health determinantssocial science researchtreatment servicesuptakeviolence exposureviolent crime
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Budget Start Date
Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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