Tau progression index (TPI): An individualized predictor of Alzheimer's Disease trajectory based on subject-specific connectomes
Project Number1R01AG085972-01A1
Former Number1R01AG085972-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderRAZLIGHI, QOLAMREZA RAY Other PIs
Abstract Text
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia, with the number of cases estimated to rise to 13
million by 2050 in the US alone
. While amyloid-beta (Aβ) and tau are known to be the key neuropathological
hallmarks of the disease, imaging and postmortem studies highlight significant variability in disease severity and
progression even in subjects with similar burdens of Aβ and tau accumulation. This uncertainty in the trajectory
of disease progression results in substantial challenges for patients and their families in understanding disease
prognosis, as well as the research community in understanding heterogeneity in the rate of Aβ and tau
accumulation, cognitive decline and likelihood of progressing to dementia. Building upon prior work from our
group and others, we will develop a prognostic score, termed the Tau Progression Index (TPI), a multi-
component and multimodal measure that can predict tau accumulation, neurodegeneration,
and cognitive/functional decline. Two components of the TPI are based on MRI measures of structural and
functional connectivity that have been shown in recent reports to explain the rate and pattern of spread of tau
pathology. The other two components are based on regional patterns and interactions between Aβ and tau
accumulation in the early stages of AD. For instance, a recent report by our group highlights the importance of
co-localized (overlapping) and non-co-localized accumulation of Aβ and tau in predicting conversion from
cognitively normal to mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and/or AD.
In this project, we will recruit 130 non-demented participants with evidence of Aβ and tau pathologies based on
18F-florbetaben and 18F-MK6240 PET scans from 10 ongoing NIH-funded studies with more than 1700 planned
and 650+ existing enrollments. Our laboratory serves as a central neuroimaging processing hub for these 10
NIH studies, allowing us a unique opportunity to identify subjects with PET-confirmed evidence of AD pathology
at no additional cost. These selected subjects will then undergo our advanced MRI acquisition protocol and
processing pipeline to extract reliable subject-specific functional and structural connectivity. Subjects will also
undergo detailed cognitive and clinical assessments. Subjects will be evaluated at baseline and at a 2.5-year
follow-up visit, which will include Aβ and tau PET, our advanced MRI and clinical/cognitive assessment. By
combining subject-specific structural and functional connectomes with the patterns of Aβ and tau accumulation,
our developed TPI will give a single prognostic score for each individual. We aim to show that this score
will predict the trajectory of tau spread and disease progression. By incorporating spatial/network-based patterns
of tau deposition and brain connectomes into a prognostic tool for patient counseling and clinical trials, our TPI
is an important step towards personalized medicine for AD.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
The trajectory of Alzheimer’s disease progression is extremely heterogeneous, both spatially
and temporally, which makes it challenging for patients and their families to plan for the future,
for clinical research to target appropriate cohorts for clinical trials, and for scientists to
investigate disease pathophysiology in a systematic manner. We will develop and validate an
imaging prognostic score, termed the Tau Progression Index (TPI), to better predict the future
accumulation of tau, neurodegeneration, and cognitive impairment, based on the subject’s
individual brain structural and functional connectivity, as well as patterns of tau and amyloid
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AgingAlzheimer's DiseaseAlzheimer's disease pathologyAlzheimer’s disease biomarkerAmyloid beta-ProteinAmyloid depositionAutopsyBrainClinicalClinical ResearchClinical TrialsClinical assessmentsCognitionCognitiveCommunitiesCounselingDataDementiaDepositionDiffusionDiffusion Magnetic Resonance ImagingDiseaseDisease ProgressionEnrollmentFamilyFingerprintFunctional Magnetic Resonance ImagingFunctional disorderFundingFutureGenerationsGenotypeHeterogeneityHumanImageImpaired cognitionImpairmentIndividualLaboratoriesMRI ScansMagnetic Resonance ImagingMeasuresMethodsModelingMonitorNerve DegenerationNetwork-basedNeurodegenerative DisordersNeuropsychologyOnset of illnessOutcomeParticipantPathologyPatientsPatternPositron-Emission TomographyPrognosisProtocols documentationReportingResearchRestSamplingScientistSenile PlaquesSeverity of illnessStructureSubjects SelectionsTestingTherapeutic InterventionThinnessTracerUncertaintyUnited States National Institutes of HealthValidationVascular DiseasesVisitWeightWorkabeta accumulationagedclinical applicationcognitive testingcohortcomorbidityconnectomecostdemographicsdisease prognosiseffectiveness evaluationextracellularfollow-upfunctional declineindexingmild cognitive impairmentmultimodalityneuroimagingneuropathologynon-dementedpersonalized medicinepersonalized predictionspredictive markerpredictive modelingprognosticprognostic toolradiotracerrecruitremote interactiontargeted treatmenttau Proteinstau aggregationβ-amyloid burden
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