PRECISE-TBI: PRE Clinical lnteragency research resourcE-TBI
Project Number5I50BX005878-05
Contact PI/Project LeaderFLOYD, CANDACE L. Other PIs
Abstract Text
The overarching mission of this project is to develop a Center entitled PRE-Clinical Interagency reSearch
resourcE-Traumatic Brain Injury (PRECISE-TBI) with the mission of accelerating the development of therapies
for TBI. PRECISE-TBI will achieve this mission by utilization of an enterprise approach to meet key objectives
with targeted strategies. We will also leverage previous collaborative efforts. The organizational structure of
PRECISE-TBI incorporates elements from business models and from other research consortia. The strategic
missions of the Center are divided into five Cores and milestones will be achieved by activities of Core
Directors and members. Leadership of PRECISE-TBI will be the Core Directors (Drs. Dixon, Gurkoff,
VandeVord, Martone, LaPlaca, Harris, Floyd) and the Steering Committee Chair, Dr. Adam Ferguson.
Leadership will interact with a Steering Committee (comprised of persons representing clinical expertise, other
VA programs, other agencies, and all model types) to set objectives, milestones, and deliverables. We will
have a Community Committee to be comprised of 100+ persons with wide TBI knowledge and perspectives.
Committee members will be divided into task-oriented subcommittees, with oversight/guidance from
Leadership and the Steering Committee. Core Directors, Steering Committee Chair, and the Steering
Committee members are carefully selected to provide diversity and inclusion in TBI expertise, geographic
location, funding history, genderidentity, seniority, and research focus. Expertise in both acute and chronic TBI
as well as pediatric TBI models will be included. Representatives from industry and non-profit organizations are
included in the Steering Committee. The AO/Scientific Writer will compose drafts of documents for finalizing by
Committee members. The organization structure of PRECISE-TBI connects investigators in both the Steering
Committee and in the Community Committee which facilitates efficiency and wide-range engagement. Each of
the Cores has an overarching objective that will be met by aims and milestones. The mission of the
Administration Core is to promote effective and efficient communication and interactions between all elements
of PRECISE-TBI. The working perspective is that the TBI investigators will act as both “employees” and
“customers.” This dual role is because TBI investigators will be engaged to develop (employees) and use
(customer) the consensus statements and translational roadmaps. The overarching goal of the Preclinical
Model Catalogue Core is the creation, dissemination and maintenance of an online catalogue of preclinical
models of TBI as well as create a database of preclinical TBI outcomes that are ontological to human TBI
pathologies. The Common Data Elements Core mission is to develop and then benchmark new and existing
common data elements using existing data from funded consortia and data from new endeavors. The
Informatics Core seeks to fuel knowledge discovery through the development and implementation of a
researcher-friendly infrastructure to support data sharing and implement standards and practices to make
preclinical TBI data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). The mission of the Field TBI
Program Coordination Core is to provide a bridge between the Center and the larger TBI community by
leveraging existing infrastructure and growing the interactive community to use Center resources. Collectively,
the Leadership, Steering Committee, Community Committee and Cores of PRECISE-TBI will support and
accelerate the development of new candidate therapies for TBI.
Public Health Relevance Statement
The overarching mission of this project is to develop a Center entitled PRE-Clinical Interagency reSearch
resourcE-Traumatic Brain Injury (PRECISE-TBI) with the mission of accelerating the development of therapies
for TBI. PRECISE-TBI will achieve this mission by utilization of an enterprise approach to meet key objectives
with targeted strategies and by leveraging previous collaborative efforts. The strategic missions of the Center
are divided into five Cores and milestones will be achieved by activities of Core Directors and members.
Leadership of PRECISE-TBI will be the Core Directors (Drs. C. Edward Dixon, Gene Gurkoff, Pamela
VandeVord, Maryann Martone, Michelle LaPlaca, Neil Harris, Candace Floyd) and the Steering Committee
Chair, Dr. Adam Ferguson. Leadership will interact with the Steering Committee and a Community Committee
to set objectives, milestones, and deliverables.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AccelerationAcuteAddendumBenchmarkingBusinessesCatalogsChronicClinicalCommittee MembersCommon Data ElementCommunicationCommunitiesConsensusDataDatabasesDevelopmentElementsEmployeeFAIR principlesFriendsFundingGender IdentityGenesGeographic LocationsGoalsHomeHumanIndustryInformaticsInfrastructureInstructionKnowledgeKnowledge DiscoveryLeadershipLengthMaintenanceMissionModelingNonprofit OrganizationsOntologyOutcomePathologyPersonsPre-Clinical ModelRecording of previous eventsResearchResearch PersonnelResourcesRoleTBI treatmentTraumatic Brain Injurydata sharingdiversity and inclusionmemberorganizational structurepediatric traumatic brain injurypre-clinicalprogramssoftware systemstherapy development
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Publications are associated with projects, but cannot be identified with any particular year of the project or fiscal year of funding. This is due to the continuous and cumulative nature of knowledge generation across the life of a project and the sometimes long and variable publishing timeline. Similarly, for multi-component projects, publications are associated with the parent core project and not with individual sub-projects.
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