Effect of pubertal hormones on Headache in Transmasculine Adolescents
Project Number5K23NS130143-02
Former Number1K23NS130143-01
Abstract Text
Headache has been one of the top three causes of disability adjusted life years for the past three decades
among adolescents and young adults. The inspiration for this research comes from the disproportionately
higher burden that falls on girls and women starting in puberty, when prevalence rises more quickly in girls
than boys, then continues to be higher in women throughout the middle years of life. Puberty also appears to
be a sensitive period in brain development when sex differences in regions key to headache such as the
amygdala are driven by pubertal hormones. Despite these sex differences, the role of pubertal hormones such
as estrogen and testosterone are not yet well-enough understood to be targets for prevention. This proposal is
focused on the innovative study of genderaffirming hormone therapy with testosterone in transmasculine
adolescents as a model of puberty in which the timing of estrogen and testosterone changes are controlled.
The aims of this proposal are to 1) determine association between genderaffirming hormone therapy with
testosterone in adolescence and headache in a cross-sectional study from in a multi-center health record
database, 2) determine change in headache burden in response to genderaffirming hormone therapy with
testosterone and 3) determine changes in brain structure and function in response to genderaffirming
hormone therapy with testosterone. The scientific objective of this proposal is to start to outline the key points
in development at which pubertal hormones can alter risk for headache and the physiologic underpinning for
this alteration. These targets can then be applied in future clinical studies of hormonal management of
headache in adolescence.
This is a five-year career development research proposal. I am currently an Assistant Professor at the
University of Colorado School of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics in the Division of Child Neurology at
Children’s Hospital Colorado. The outlined proposal builds on my previous research and clinical experience in
neuroimaging of pubertal brain development and pediatric headache by expanding to a model of transgender
adolescent headache. The proposed research and training plan will prepare me with a unique skillset for
translational research as an independent clinician scientist in the emerging field of the effect of sex steroids on
neurologic conditions in transgender youth and in headache sex differences research.
Public Health Relevance Statement
In 2016, almost 3 billion people worldwide were estimated to have a headache disorder, the
majority of whom were women. This sex difference starts in puberty, a time when neuroimaging
has demonstrated brain changes driven by pubertal hormones. Through focus on
transmasculine youth, the proposed longitudinal observational study will use neuroimaging
techniques to explore the role of pubertal hormones in the development of sex differences in
headache and relevant brain structure and function, with the vision of identifying targets for
future therapies to reduce risk of headache.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AddressAdolescenceAdolescentAdolescent and Young AdultAdult womenAgeAge of OnsetAgonistAlgorithmsAmygdaloid structureAnimal ModelAnxietyBiological ModelsBiometryBirthBrainBreathingChildhoodClinicalClinical ResearchCodeColoradoCross-Sectional StudiesData SetDatabasesDevelopmentDiagnosisDiagnosticDisability scaleElectronicsEstrogensFemaleFeminizationFunctional Magnetic Resonance ImagingFundingFutureGender IdentityGonadal Steroid HormonesGonadotropin Hormone Releasing HormoneHeadacheHeadache DisordersHeadache disabilityHealthHormonalHormonesHospitalsHumanInformaticsLearningLibidoLifeLongitudinal, observational studyMale AdolescentsMasculineMental DepressionMethodsModelingMulticenter StudiesNeurologicNociceptionObservation in researchOutcomePainPediatric HospitalsPediatric NeurologyPersonsPharmaceutical PreparationsPhysiologicalPopulationPrevalencePreventionPubertyResearchResearch PersonnelResearch ProposalsRestRiskRisk ReductionRodentRoleScientistSensorySerumSex DifferencesSex DifferentiationStructureStudy modelsTechniquesTestosteroneTimeTrainingTranslational ResearchTranslationsUniversitiesVisionWomanWomen's cohortWomen's studyYouthantinociceptionassigned female at birthboyscareer developmentcisgenderclinical databasecohortdesigndiariesdisability-adjusted life yearsexperiencefallsfollow-upgender affirming hormone therapygender diversitygirlshealth recordhuman subjectimprovedinnovationmalemedical schoolsmenneuroimagingnovel strategiespediatric departmentpressureprofessorprognosticationprospectiverecruitresponsesex assignedsex development disorderskill acquisitionskillsstructural imagingtransfemininetransgendertransmasculinevalidation studies
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
DUNS Number
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Project Funding Information for 2025
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National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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