Wraparound digital health support system to improve engagement and health outcomes of minority populations who are disadvantaged by social determinants of health in evidence-based protocols
Project Number5R44MD015981-03
Contact PI/Project LeaderDUTTA, DEBOLEENA
Awardee OrganizationVIORA HEALTH INC
Abstract Text
Vulnerable and underserved populations such as ethnic and racial minorities, the poor, the LGBTQ community
and those with physical or intellectual disabilities, often suffer the greatest health risks while facing significant
barriers to receiving healthcare. While biological and clinical risks influence outcomes, sociocultural and
socioeconomic factors also create major barriers to receiving healthcare services, at an individual, community
and population level for these populations. These social determinants of health (SDOH), such as transportation,
literacy, and finances, can severely limit participation in health programs designed for the general population.
Diabetes Prevention Programs (DPP) are a good example of a lifestyle change protocol that is proven to reduce
the risk of type 2 diabetes by half for at-risk pre-diabetic patients by encouraging weight-loss. But, despite the
effectiveness of the program, more than 50% of participants drop out before completing this year-long lifestyle
change program, severely limiting the program’s success. This is in part due to the fact that programs like DPP
take little account of the SDOH limitations faced by underserved and vulnerable populations that it is meant to
help. This lack of support at the individual and community level combined with the fact that healthcare institutions
are not designed for, nor economical, in supporting patient health outside the medical facility where it is most
needed. This creates a gap in healthcare service that current systems cannot overcome. Viora is closing this
health services gap with a digital wraparound system that extends care management workflows at healthcare
organizations by engaging underserved patients at home to facilitate better outcomes in programs like DPP. By
using risk stratification based on SDOH and lifestyle factors, each DPP participant can have tailored interventions
that consider their socioeconomic and sociocultural characteristics. The Viora TIPS system uses a simple 2-way
communication to interface between patients, coaches, health providers, and underutilized community services,
facilitating and supporting patient self-management and completion of the DPP program. In Phase I, Viora Health
completed work followed by a human subject study with underserved subjects and community-based partners.
Completion of Phase I demonstrated feasibility of Viora system prototype and collected feedback to improve
system components. In Phase II, Viora will automate and integrate features from the Phase I work to provide
automated on-boarding based on risk stratification models completed in Phase I, to facilitate a more effective
personal intervention plans; automate distribution of personalized content during the DPP program, and track
progress on closing SDOH gaps. The completed system will then be evaluated in a case controlled human
subject study of a minority population participating in a DPP program. This work will be the final step before a
minimum viable product can be released to the market for commercialization.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Vulnerable and underserved populations often suffer the greatest health risks while facing significant barriers,
largely due to social and behavioral factors that hinder continued participation in disease prevention and
management protocols. Viora Health’s wraparound digital health support system will support public health
scaling of evidence-based protocols by using technology to identify and rank such risks while leveraging existing
community based resources to support patients in mitigating these factors.
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2025
Total Funding
Direct Costs
Indirect Costs
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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