Opioid therapy for pain in individuals with metastatic cancer: benefits, harms and stakeholder perspectives
Project Number5R01NR020031-04
Contact PI/Project LeaderMERLIN, JESSICA S Other PIs
Abstract Text
Project Summary
Opioid therapy for pain in patients with metastatic cancer is a critical yet understudied area. Pain is
experienced at some point by most patients with metastatic cancer. Prescribed opioids are a cornerstone of
treating pain; the prevalent belief in the field has been that the benefits of palliating pain in metastatic cancer
with opioids nearly always outweigh any potential harms. This approach to opioid-related decisions in patients
with metastatic cancer implies that patients’ prognoses are either so short that these harms are not
meaningful, or that benefits of opioids are substantial while harms are relatively minimal. Research on the
benefits and harms of opioid therapy has exploded in the past decade but primarily focuses on individuals with
chronic “non-cancer” pain. However, patients with cancer have been routinely excluded from these studies and
resulting recommendations that favor more conservative opioid prescribing. The few studies of patients with
cancer generally support that serious harms occur, but have significant methodologic limitations. Additionally,
there are unique considerations in individuals with metastatic cancer, including life-limiting disease that may
last years, high pain rates, and opioids as accepted standard of care. Therefore, assessing benefits and risk
factors for opioid-related harms in individuals with metastatic cancer is a critical gap in the literature and key to
opioid-related decision-making. The long-term goal of this program of research is to develop interventions that
inform opioid-related decision-making for patients with metastatic cancer. We will use the Behavioral Decision
Research framework to create a comprehensive evidence base on which these interventions can be grounded,
which is the objective of the present application. To accomplish our aims, we have partnered with the NINR-
funded Palliative Care Research Cooperative to develop a prospective cohort of patients newly diagnosed with
metastatic cancer. We propose the following Aims in patients with metastatic cancer: Aim 1: Investigate the
relationship between opioid therapy and opioid-related benefits. Hypothesis 1: Opioid therapy will be
associated with decreased pain severity and pain interference (co-primary outcomes). Aim 2: Investigate risk
factors for opioid-related harms. Hypothesis 2a: Certain co-prescribed medications will be associated with
increased risk of opioid side effects (e.g., benzodiazepines and somnolence). Hypothesis 2b: Younger age,
history of substance use disorder, and history of mood disorders will be associated with greater risk of opioid
misuse and use disorder. Approach: We will use linear mixed effects models (2a) and time-to-event analyses
(2b). Aim 3: Understand stakeholder (patient, family caregiver, clinician) perspectives on opioid-related
decision-making. Completion of these aims will lead directly to an R-series proposal to develop and test a
novel intervention to inform opioid decision-making, followed by R-series proposals to study intervention
effectiveness and implementation. This work has the potential to transform opioid prescribing and pain
management for patients with metastatic cancer.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
By investigating opioid-related benefits and risk factors for harms in individuals with metastatic cancer, the
proposed study will provide evidence that patients, family caregivers, and clinicians need when engaged in
opioid-related decision-making. This has the potential to transform pain and opioid care for patients with
metastatic cancer, and as such, is directly responsive to National Institute of Nursing Research priorities to
improve the health of individuals with serious illness and the National Cancer Institute’s mission of helping
people with cancer lead longer, healthier lives.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
AccountingAgeAreaBehavioralBeliefBenefits and RisksBenzodiazepinesBody partCharacteristicsCollaborationsDataData CollectionDecision MakingDecision ModelingDiagnosisDiscipline of NursingDiseaseDisseminated Malignant NeoplasmDistantDoseDrowsinessDrug PrescriptionsEffectivenessEffectiveness of InterventionsEventExclusionExplosionFamily CaregiverFundingGeographyGoalsGuidelinesHealthIndividualInterventionIntervention StudiesInterviewLeadLifeLiteratureMalignant NeoplasmsMeasuresMedical RecordsMental HealthMethodologyMissionModelingMood DisordersNational Cancer InstituteNational Institute of Nursing ResearchNewly DiagnosedOncologyOpioidOutcome AssessmentOutcome MeasureOverdosePainPain interferencePain managementPalliative CarePatient CarePatient Outcomes AssessmentsPatientsPersonsPharmaceutical PreparationsPlacebo ControlPopulationProspective cohortRecommendationRecording of previous eventsResearchResearch PriorityRiskRisk FactorsSedation procedureSeriesSeveritiesSiteSubstance Use DisorderTestingTimeWorkaddictionchronic pain patientdecision researchevidence baseexperiencefollow-upimprovedinsightmorphine equivalentnon-cancer chronic painnovelopioid misuseopioid sparingopioid therapyopioid useopioid use disorderpalliatepatient prognosispatient subsetsprescription opioidprimary outcomeprogramsside effectstakeholder perspectivesstandard of care
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