ConnectedNest: a digital platform connecting individuals with cancer to social care
Project Number1R42CA295106-01
Former NumberR42CA295106-02
Contact PI/Project LeaderHAYNES, DAVID A
Awardee OrganizationXANTHOSHEALTH, INC.
Abstract Text
ConnectedNest, a novel electronic social care referral platform developed by XanthosHealth, addresses the
impact of social determinants of health (SDoH) on individuals facing cancer. Following a successful SBIR
Phase I and a pilot study in collaboration with the Minnesota Cancer Alliance and 14 community-based
organizations (CBOs), Phase II aims to enhance the platform's technical infrastructure, extend integration
capabilities, and conduct a randomized clinical trial involving 300 adults in multi-site oncology clinics. The trial
will assess ConnectedNest's efficacy in connecting individuals with social and community services, improving
quality of life, and influencing factors such as ease of social care access, emergency department utilization,
and patient engagement. The project aligns with public health goals by providing an innovative, cost-effective,
and scalable solution to mitigate SDoH barriers in the cancer care continuum, with potential broader
applications in clinical and community settings. The collaboration with the University of Minnesota underscores
the project's commitment to advancing research in healthcare technology and improving outcomes for
individuals facing cancer.
Under Aim 1, enhancements include the development of user interfaces catering to social workers, community
health workers, and caregivers, alongside the creation of a community advisory board portal for efficient CBO
program management. Efforts to increase accessibility for priority populations and expand the survey
architecture to accommodate electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROs) underscore a commitment to
inclusivity and comprehensive data collection.
Aim 2 propels the initiative into a randomized clinical trial involving 300 adults undergoing active cancer
therapy or in survivorship. Patient-reported metrics will be gathered at baseline and days 30, 60, and 90,
including instances of reported social or community needs, connections with services (primary outcome), and
measures of quality of life. The trial also explores secondary outcomes like ease of social care access,
emergency department utilization, and patient engagement, providing a holistic evaluation.
This innovative solution has the potential to serve as a cost-effective and scalable model, enhancing the
capacity to connect individuals with social and community services. Beyond oncology, the project's broader
impact extends to community health settings, aligning with the overarching goal of addressing SDoH barriers
and fostering improved outcomes for individuals facing cancer.
Public Health Relevance Statement
ConnectedNest, developed by XanthosHealth using SBIR Phase I funding from NIH, addresses the critical
issue of social determinants of health (SDoH) affecting individuals facing cancer, aiming to reduce health
inequities and adverse outcomes. Through a pilot study in Minneapolis, the platform demonstrated successful
engagement with community-based organizations (CBOs) and cancer survivors. In Phase II, the project aims
to enhance ConnectedNest's technical features, and conduct a randomized clinical trial recruiting patients from
multiple oncology clinics to evaluate its impact on patient health outcomes, with the ultimate goal of providing
an innovative, cost-effective, and scalable solution to connect individuals with essential social and community
services in the context of cancer care and beyond.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
Accident and Emergency departmentAddressAdoptedAdultAdverse effectsAffectAlgorithmsAppointmentArchitectureAreaAwardBusinessesCancer SurvivorCancer SurvivorshipCaregiversCaringClientClinicClinicalCollaborationsCollectionCommunitiesCommunity HealthCommunity Health AidesCommunity ServicesComputer softwareContinuity of Patient CareContractsData CollectionDevelopmentDocumentationElectronicsEligibility DeterminationEnrollmentEvaluationFast Healthcare Interoperability ResourcesFeedbackFinancial HardshipFosteringFundingFutureGoalsHealthHealth Care CostsHealth Services AccessibilityHealth StatusHealth TechnologyHourIndividualInfrastructureLearningLibrariesLogical Observation Identifiers Names and CodesMalignant NeoplasmsMeasuresMedicalMinnesotaModelingOncologyOutcomePatient RecruitmentsPatient-Focused OutcomesPatientsPersonal SatisfactionPhasePilot ProjectsPopulationProcessPublic HealthQuality of lifeRandomizedReportingResearchResourcesSF-12SamplingServicesShapesSiteSmall Business Innovation Research GrantSocial WorkSocial WorkersSpanishSurveysTechnologyTestingTimeTravelUninsured Medical ExpenseUnited States National Institutes of HealthUniversitiesadverse outcomeapplication programming interfacecancer carecancer therapyclinical trial recruitmentcommunity advisory boardcommunity engagementcommunity organizationscommunity settingcost effectivedigital platformefficacy testingelectronic patient reported outcomesfood insecurityhealth assessmenthealth goalshealth inequalitieshealth outcome disparityhousing instabilityimprovedimproved outcomeinnovationmHealthnovelpatient engagementprimary outcomeprogramsrandomized, clinical trialsrecruitsecondary outcomesocialsocial health determinantssurvivorshiptreatment as usualtreatment planningusability
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