A liver digital twin for personalized cancer therapy
Project Number1U01CA289068-01A1
Former Number1U01CA289068-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderRONCALI, EMILIE
Abstract Text
Project Summary/ Abstract
Our long-term objective is to improve the efficacy and safety of liver cancer transarterial embolization through
new computational tools that enable the development of new personalized treatment strategies. The
continued rising mortality and incidence make research on improving liver cancer management essential.
Transarterial embolization is used to obstruct the tumor blood flow (TAE) and deliver localized radiation
(yttrium-90 radioembolization 90Y TARE) or chemotherapy (chemoembolization TACE). 90Y TARE counted
for more than 10,000 interventions in the US in 2022. Demonstrated benefits for patients include increased
time to progression but moderate improvement of overall survival, in part because it is only used as second
or third line treatment on advanced cancers. Recent 90Y TARE clinical trials showed a correlation between
the tumor dose and patient outcome, indicating that robust and precise targeting must be pursued. Targeting
is however complex, highly patient-dependent, and difficult to plan with current imaging techniques. This
leads physicians to underdose 90Y TARE to limit liver toxicity, missing the tumoricidal dose of ~50 in 80% of
patients. TAE and TACE are performed with a fixed dosage and also frequently fail: post treatment imaging
shows residual blood flow in ~70% of tumors treated with TACE, indicative of incomplete occlusion of the
tumor blood supply. If the efficacy and safety profile of TAE were improved through better planning, it could
have a much higher impact on patient outcome, helping patients at earlier stages and reducing mortality.
Tools to develop such treatment planning currently lack robustness and accuracy. This U01 proposal follows
the concept of a liver digital twin to develop an in silico platform to optimize liver transarterial embolization.
Tumor targeting is achieved by selecting the injection points and dosage; it remains mostly empirical based
on pretreatment vascular imaging with limited robustness. We propose a novel personalized treatment
planning using a liver digital twin that builds on our previous work developing CFDose, a simulation pipeline
based on computational fluid dynamics and physics modeling informed with patient CT images. CFDose
predicts the liver dose through blood flow simulation using standard-of-care imaging, requiring no changes
to the clinical workflow. We will use it as a building block to develop patient-specific in silico optimization of
TAE, TARE, and TACE. The algorithm will sample the injection point and dosage, simulate the dose or drug
concentration distribution (activating the liver model multiple times), and compare it with the physician’s
target. The project will develop the patient-specific virtual liver model to simulate the distribution, will
accelerate the simulation with artificial intelligence (GANs), and will integrate the liver model into an
optimization algorithm. The virtual liver model acts a digital twin of the patient’s liver to assist TAE planning.
There is a dire need for predictive multiphysics and multiscale liver models that include blood flow, a major
component of liver disease. Our digital twin liver can fill this gap for liver cancer.
Public Health Relevance Statement
Liver cancer is one the most prevalent type of cancer with deadly outcome in the U.S. and worldwide. Liver-
directed therapies such as transarterial chemoembolization or radioembolization can locally target liver
lesions with low systemic toxicity, but are currently limited by the lack of precise, individualized, and reliable
treatment planning tools. This work develops liver transarterial embolization treatment planning based on
clinical imaging and computational methods to improve patient outcome through better selection, greater
efficacy and safety.
NIH Spending Category
No NIH Spending Category available.
Project Terms
90YAccelerationAddressAdvanced Malignant NeoplasmAftercareAlgorithmsAnatomyAngiographyArterial EmbolizationArtificial IntelligenceBlood CirculationBlood VesselsBlood flowChemoembolizationChemotherapy and/or radiationClinicalClinical TrialsColon CarcinomaComplexComputer AssistedComputer SimulationComputing MethodologiesDevelopmentDoseFoundationsFutureGoalsGrantHepatic arteryHepatotoxicityImageImaging TechniquesIncidenceInjectionsInterventionInterventional radiologyLearningLesionLiquid substanceLiverLiver diseasesLocationMalignant NeoplasmsMalignant neoplasm of liverMalignant neoplasm of pancreasMetastatic Neoplasm to the LiverMethodsMicrospheresModelingOutcomePatient-Focused OutcomesPatientsPerfusionPharmaceutical PreparationsPhasePhysiciansPhysicsPortal vein structurePositron-Emission TomographyPrimary Malignant Neoplasm of LiverPrimary carcinoma of the liver cellsRadiationRadiation Dose UnitRadiation therapyRadioembolizationResearchResidual stateResolutionRestSafetySamplingSelection for TreatmentsTimeTissuesToxic effectValidationVascular blood supplyWorkX-Ray Computed Tomographycancer therapycancer typechemotherapyclinical imagingcomputerized toolscone-beam computed tomographycontrast enhanced computed tomographydeep learningdigital twindosagegenerative adversarial networkhemodynamicsimage guidedimaging modalityimprovedin silicoin vivoindividualized medicinemicrosphere deliverymortalityneuroendocrine cancernoveloptimal treatmentspersonalized cancer therapypersonalized carepersonalized medicineprototyperesearch clinical testingsimulationstandard of caresystemic toxicitytherapy designtooltreatment optimizationtreatment planningtreatment strategytumortumor vascular supplyvalidation studiesvirtual
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