A Comprehensive De Novo Variant Callset for the Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program Birth Defect Data
Project Number1R03HD116062-01
Contact PI/Project LeaderTURNER, TYCHELE NAOMI
Abstract Text
Project Summary/Abstract
Birth defects occur in 1 in 33 individuals and result in yearly healthcare costs in the United States of America of
>$23 billion. Understanding genetic causes of birth defects can provide insights into molecular pathways and
ultimately provide a path towards therapeutics. The Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program with
its short name of “Kids First” is a program that was created to investigate cancer and birth defects in children. In
this program, whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has been generated in combination with collection of
phenotype(s). The R03 PAR-23-075 on “Small Research Grants for Analyses of Gabriella Miller Kids First
Pediatric Research Data” encourages submission of applications focused on analyzing Kids First. In this
proposal, we specifically focus on detection and analyses of de novo variants (DNVs) in the cohorts with birth
defects. DNVs are important in human diseases and have been shown to contribute to birth defects. We have
developed several tools to detect, quality check, and statistically assess DNVs in both the nuclear and
mitochondrial genome. The Kids First Data Portal does not currently have DNV callsets from either the nuclear
or mitochondrial genomes. DNVs are likely contributors to the birth defects represented in Kids First and it is
critical to generate a comprehensive high quality DNV callset for this dataset. Through this R03 mechanism, we
will generate nuclear and mitochondrial DNV callsets for all 6,080 families with birth defects in Kids First for use
by others and ourselves. Once we have the DNV callsets we will test for enrichment of protein-coding DNVs in
relation to birth defects. Protein-coding DNVs are the most straightforward to interpret and we are well prepared
to perform these analyses as evidenced by our previous work. The two aims we will pursue in this grant include
comprehensive DNV calling and assessment of protein-coding DNVs in the nuclear genome (Aim 1) and the
mitochondrial genome (Aim 2). There are three expected outcomes of our study including 1) identification of new
genes involved in birth defects, 2) comprehensive DNV callsets for use by others with interest in birth defects,
and 3) integration of our DNV tools (HAT, EGP) in the Kids First Data Portal for use as additional families are
added to the portal. Overall, our work will make substantial progress in understanding genetic aspects of birth
Public Health Relevance Statement
Project Narrative
Birth defects occur in 1 in 33 individuals and are of importance to the healthcare system. The Gabriella Miller
Kids First Pediatric Research Program (Kids First) was created to understand birth defects and cancer. In the
proposed studies, we will advance understanding of birth defects by the detecting, quality checking, and
statistically assessing de novo variants in Kids First.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
DUNS Number
Project Start Date
Project End Date
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Budget End Date
Project Funding Information for 2024
Total Funding
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Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Funding IC
FY Total Cost by IC
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